On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 2:34 AM,  <do...@mail.com> wrote:

> You're not giving us enough details. Who is Verhaegen? What did he burn
> out on?


 the fact that he's not under NDA has led to large corporations -
including ARM - to enact slander campaigns against him, and blackmail
campaigns against companies that fund him.

> When I first considered purchasing a PocketCHiP I read about the GPU
> not having 3D capabilities because of a binary blob. So, the CHIP folks
> hired (I think it was an extended goal of the kickstarter campaign), a
> kernel dev to add support to the Linux kernel for the GPU.

 it will have been for the "shim" that permits the proprietary
userspace library direct access to the MALI hardware.


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