On Mon, 8 May 2017 18:51:21 +0100
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 2:07 AM,  <do...@mail.com> wrote:
> > I own a Reach3D printer. It's an all aluminum housing and z axis gear
> > printer. I'm still in the construction phase, but if me and my caliper
> > (it's auto-calibrating but I want it perfect :) work well together
> > then I should be printing sometime around the 21st. I could help you
> > with my printer at limited expense (unless something big happens in
> > my life :)  
>  one piece of advice: buy some printbite, stick it to the aluminium
> plate (after cleaning it - do follow PRECISELY the instructions for
> printbite installation).  better, get a MK3 (aluminium) bed plate,
> because having a MK2 not in full contact with the aluminium is a pain
> (uneven heat distribution and transfer).  i've currently stacked some
> cardboard underneath to make the MK2 stop bowing downwards...
> *sigh*...
>  printbite will stop a world of pain in both making prints stick and
> also getting them off.  but *read and follow the instructions*.
> l.

Actually, I was thinking of using a lokibuild sheet (another kickstatr?
thing (seems I have lost the link...)):
here is one of the right size?


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