On 25/06/17 00:41, Christopher Havel wrote:
> I cannot comprehend the necessity of having two hundred twenty browser tabs
> open, sum total... I rarely have need for one tenth of that.
> But, then, I'm not a dev. Maybe for us mere mortals, there is some
> explanation? :P

In my case i have multi projects on the go, at diff stages of research.
From shopping for gear "projects" (reasoned consumerism) to light
weight, strong box to ship my stuff (like PA audio gear for
partys/events/camp) via courier 30KG limit for £12. too umm what...
solar pv and panels research, backlog of news articles, etc

So not a total dev and not a total mortal. between worlds ;)
ram 92% used always. firefox tor proxied and chromioum for bloddy
cloudflare walled sites and for when firefox is clogged up with too many
tabs :P. 16GB ram. struggled with 8gb for ages. a friend helped me out
:) life saver having this much ram but now it looks like ive taken it
for granted again! been having too many tabs = system slowdown problems
this week. hmm time to kill some backlog and reduce project tabs.... my
netbook is 2GB ram or was it 4gb...? i think its 2GB.... yea bit of a
struggle on that. been using Enlightenment DE to save on ram.

heres a pic:
TOR Link :D:

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