On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Erik Auerswald
<auers...@unix-ag.uni-kl.de> wrote:

> Systemd is supposed to replace the complete init system, not just the
> process with PID 1. In addition, it adds lots of other functionality (DNS
> resolver, DCHP client, network configuration, desktop session management,
> ...), all of which existed and worked before the systemd replacements.

 .. and which have now been replaced by a monoculture which is
focussed specifically on one OS (GNU/Linux), on one GNU/Linux distro
(redhat), on one *type* of distro (redhat desktops), on one *desktop*
(redhat gnome desktop), with *ZERO* wider consultation with other
teams as to what they might want or need.

 there has even been talk that FreeBSD and so on *MUST* convert over
to systemd and associated fascist-developed support infrastructure
"because that's how it's done, now".  and if they do not, then, well,
to hell with them: they can go bit-rot in hell as far as the
supporters of systemd are concerned.

 all of which illustrates that it's not about the code, it's not about
the quality of the code, it's the entire attitude and the
over-concentration of power into the hands of such a small and highly
irresponsible team.  and the fact that the distros are either
complicit with this or are completely blind to how dangerous this
situation really is to the health of the software libre community as a


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