Michael Verrenkamp <jabj...@fastmail.com.au> writes:

> On 26/09/2017 11:41 AM, zap wrote:
>> On 09/25/2017 09:30 PM, Tor, the Marqueteur wrote:
>>>> without people freaking out against people in power/corporations.
>>>  From my reading, pirates/piracy as relates to copyright was actually
>> Okay, I thought it was something coined by corrupt arrogant specks from
>> the 20th century...
>> my bad.
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>   Found this on Wiki - 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_infringement#.22Piracy.22
> "Article 12 of the 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary 
> and Artistic Works 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berne_Convention_for_the_Protection_of_Literary_and_Artistic_Works>
> uses the term "piracy" in relation to copyright infringement, stating 
> "Pirated works may be seized on importation into those countries of the 
> Union where the original work enjoys legal protection."

Wow!  I really wasn't expecting this thread to produce anything useful.
Thanks.  I like it when I learn something new.  ;-)

FWIW I as a Debian Developer of 20+ years standing am pretty committed to
Free Software, and have subscribed to things like the OpenMoko and the
neo900, disappointingly without it resulting in a phone I can use to

There was a lot of heat, but not very much light in this thread.

Meanwhile I've signed up for one of these phones.

I don't have any great expectation that they'll succeed, since I've seen
previous attempts fail, but if I end up with a (mostly) Free Software
based phone, running a mainstream kernel/distro that is likely to
survive the demise of the project, I'll be pretty happy about it.

I doubt the chances of that happening will be improved one iota by
attempting to make them do things to satisfy people who, when it comes
down to it, don't actually want a phone in their pocket, but rather a
"100% libre" thing that looks like a phone, but cannot make phone calls
unless you plug it into an external dongle (or some such).

If you can show me a better project, then I might invest in that too,
but in the absence of that I'm willing to put up with the level of
non-freeness that is pretty-much inherent in making such a device.

The neo900 folk seem to be aiming a little higher, but they also seem to
have effectively failed at this point, because they have taken so long
that they've lost their opportunity -- there is probably not going to be
a vibrant developer community coalescing around a phone that is so far
behind the curve and expensive.  Also, even if it did become popular
somehow, the parts are probably not available for a second run.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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