Hi Luke,

I have some memory of a request for help in transferring the EOMA standard from 
the elinux.org site to markdown format (as a step towards publishing it on 
eoma68.com) but can’t find the exact reference in the mailing list archives.  
If I’ve remembered that correctly, and it’s something you are looking for help 
with, I’d be happy to volunteer.   

I have some experience with static-site generators (that, as you’d know, use 
markdown documents as source files), and could assemble something along those 
lines if you’d like.  Here’s a quick mockup of a site for the EOMA standard 
using the MkDocs engine: 

The present mockup design is based on the assumption that the specifications 
for all current and future EOMA standards would be housed on the same website 
(EOMA-26, EOMA-CF, EOMA-68, etc.); this would, I presume, consequently require 
the use of a more generic domain name (e.g., EOMAstandard.info/.org) instead of 
EOMA-68.com but obviously I’ll leave the decision about which way to go with 
you.  I can easily change the site design to just cover EOMA-68 should that be 
your preference.

You’ll notice that I’ve added in some suggested extra pages including: 
‘Contribute', ‘About', 'News', and ‘FAQs'.  For the ‘Contribute' page, I had in 
mind suggesting that people could offer technical, marketing, or financial 
support to the project.

If you’d just prefer the pages in markdown (not assembled as a MkDocs site) I 
can also just do that, in which case I could just create a collection of 
individual pages in a flat file structure and leave any internal page links I 
find as they are. 

P.S. I have noticed that sometimes various versions of the standard (e.g., 
EOMA-68) are written with a hyphen and sometimes without.  I personally feel 
that the best format would be to include some nominated character to clearly 
indicate that there are multiple variations of the standard.  You could then 
use a different character to indicate variation according to type of SOC.

For instance, the format might be: EOMA or EOMA-, EOMA-NN, and EOMA-NN:XYZ.  
Examples would then be... 

EOMA-26, EOMA-68, EOMA-200, etc.
EOMA-68:A20, EOMA-68:RISC-V, EOMA-68:RK3399, etc. 

OR, swap the colon and hyphens around...

EOMA:26, EOMA:68, EOMA:200, etc.
EOMA:68-A20, EOMA:68-RISC-V, EOMA:68-RK3399, etc. 

OR, use the pipe or other symbol for SOC...

EOMA:26, EOMA:68, EOMA:200, etc.
EOMA:68|A20, EOMA:68|RISC-V, EOMA:68|RK3399, etc. 

EOMA:26, EOMA:68, EOMA:200, etc.
EOMA:68~A20, EOMA:68~RISC-V, EOMA:68~RK3399, etc. 
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