On 16/02/18 11:13, Erik Auerswald wrote:

I did not want to enter this flame war, but I want to point out an
obvious misunderstanding of the involved parties:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 02:51:06PM +0000, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
  now, it so happens in the case of HDMI that you can simply put an
HDMI connector on the product.... what you CANNOT AND MUST NOT DO is
put the *WORD* "HDMI" anywhere on your product, because that has
SPECIFIC implications that the seller of that product HAS GONE THROUGH

Without a "product" and a "seller" there can be no infringement. A hobby
project can exist and be publicly discussed and documented without being
either a product or sold.

Over and out,

I didn't want to enter this either. But I'd like to clarify that if it's copyright we're talking about, then having a "product" or "seller" doesn't matter. It's simply about the making of copies, and unlicensed copies are forbidden by default regardless of how the copies are used. I don't like it and disagree with it's whole premise (see onpon4's earlier comment) but that's how it works.

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