VGA is analog, and has six wires for color (red signal, red ground, ditto
each for blue and green). It's not /exactly/ serial (serial as I understand
it is inherently digital, which VGA is *ahem* very much not) but the
paradigm sort of fits. RGBTTL is parallel. You have one wire per bit of
color. So that's 18 wires. Plus your sync lines... which may or may not
match VGA signal standards, I'm not sure.

If you actually manage to figure out how to get that hooked up correclty,
let me know ;)

(Hint, it's doable, but you need additional components. There's a cheap
way, and there's an easy way, and they are two *very* different ways...)

Much easier suggestion: get a small LCD. *ANY* small LCD. Like a five or
seven inch display at the largest. Raw panel, no driver board. Get the
datasheet and a compatible connector. (If you source from eBay this is very
easy; those are almost all commodity displays with available datasheets.)
If it's a SMALL DISPLAY it *will* be RGBTTL, 90%+ of the time (I've seen
one exception to this ever and it was in an off-brand portable DVD player).
Wire it up. Wire it to the card connector. Add power. If you get a screen
that works, you've done it right.
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