crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:31 AM, joem <resea...@enemygadgets.com> wrote:
>>>> > SK Hynix H5TQ4G83AFR = 512M x 8
>>>> > 27 RMB that means EIGHTEEN dollars just in RAM ICs.   that's if you
>>>> > can get hold of them.
>>>> RAM continues to be a problem to source.
>>> I did tell / warn you.... :)
> Just heard cryptocurrency mining is going down the tube

 yyyeah that's unlikely to happen... or, more to the point, whomever
you heard it from is likely to be trying to create a "pump-and-dump"
social-engineering scam.  sell first, scare everyone, then buy low.

> and it may just crash memory market with it - so price bubble
> may burst by end of year.

 hooray!!  .... *thinks*.... GDDR5 is (i believe) what's commonly used
in graphics cards....  you definitely don't want to be using DDR3 or
DDR4 for cryptomining platforms with standard GPUs in them.


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