> On Jul 10, 2018, at 13:37, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
>  interestingly the bullet-points 3 and 5 are *actuallly
> legitimate concerns*.  the RISC-V Foundation is over-controlled by UCB
> Berkeley,[0] via a structure that is similar to the failed Google Project
> Ara ("it's open as long as you sign our secret agreement and don't
> publish information we don't want you to").

Are you referring to "Design Assurance"(as 3) and "Security"(as 5)?

Seems like an advertisement specifically against risc-v by and for ARM.

I'm sorry to hear about those terms on a project with any pretensions of being 

[0]  UCB stands for "University of California at Berkeley" so the intermediate 
form is normally "UC Berkeley".
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