long story, there's a new project underway which is to create a 3D GPU
(and associated complete processor) entirely as a libre project, using
RISC-V as the basis.  there's a lot to get done: the roadmap is quite
straightforward: http://libre-riscv.org/3d_gpu/roadmap/

it'll be a vulkan3d *software* driver written in rust and using llvm.
where and if absolutely strictly necessary intrinsic inline assembler
will be placed into the rust code: for the rest it will be straight to
llvm, and from there using a hardware-level parallelism API called
"SimpleV" which will take care of, at the hardware level, a
variable-length "vectorisation" aka variable-size SIMD (which is a
really *really* misleading way to describe it but SIMD and
vectorisation is what most people know).

for the most part this is a *software* project not a hardware one so
if anyone has software engineering skills, documentation skills or
anything else, do get in touch.

mailing lists: http://lists.libre-riscv.org


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