On 10/06/2012 06:50 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
Of course none of this is set in stone, it's a discussion and just me
putting my ideas into words.

FWIW, I likewise think we should shoot for promotion of armv7hl to primary, leaving armv5 (or armv6) secondary. Numerous packages with atomics issues magically begin working this way. Additionally, in the timeframe we're talking about v7 is going to be the overwhelming majority of systems out there.

One extra thought: If we move from armv5tel to armv6hl for the Pi's sake, there's still a big gain: A single koji builder can be used for both armv7hl and armv6hl builds. Supporting armv5tel means we need to provide separate builders for the alternate ABI, raising the overall number of builders required.

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / b...@redhat.com
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