
Thanks for the reply.  I certainly don't have the hardware to host a v5
koji.  All I own are 2 Sheevas and 2 Gurus (and not even the "Server
Plus" models).  Moreover, one of my Sheevas is in "critical" production
on my network so I can't really pull it away to perform other duties.

I was actually looking at a Cubieboard to get some newer, more powerful
hardware, because the Guru is way too low powered to run my MySQL
instance.  I may even find that the Cubie is too low-powered, but
obviously cannot test that until I have one or have access to one.
Regardless, right now I don't have the budget to acquire new hardware,
which is why I'd like to continue using what I already own.

Not being intimately familiar with the various changes in the hardware I
guess I just don't understand why we need so many target-specific
distributions?  I thought the only issue was the floating point ABI
issue, which would lead me to believe that we only would need two, FP
and non-FP?  Is there really a significant speed improvement with
e.g. v7 or v8 when compiled specifically vs. running e.g. v6 on a v7 or
v8?  ISTR that measurements showed some but relatively insignificant
speed differences, so why not just stay at the lowest level to support
more hardware?



Jon Masters <> writes:

> Derek,
> It is less "powers that be" than a collaborative effort/decision. We do not 
> have resources to justify keeping v5 alive but you are free to coordinate 
> with others and pick it up, in the same way that Seneca are to own v6 support 
> (maybe Seneca can even help with build system setup if you ask them). Do you 
> have any interest in driving that?
> You will find the ominous powers that be are in fact a bunch of us doing the 
> work who are overloaded enough to keep just v7 and v8 on track :) For those 
> who are devastated and have no v7 hardware, ping me off list and maybe I can 
> look into getting a couple of v7 boards out there.
> Jon.
> -- 
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity.
> Derek Atkins <> wrote:
> Quentin Armitage <> writes:
>>     since there has been no major objection i will disable building
>>     armv5tel rpms in rawhide before the mass rebuild.
>>     Dennis
>> I guess it's too late now, but I got a few days behind on my list emails. I
>> use 2 * Sheevaplugs and 2 * Dreamplugs with Fedora, and would be very
>> disappointed to see support for them being dropped from Fedora. For me, I
>> still see quite a lifetime in them for what they are doing.
> I've mentioned multiple times my hope to keep kirkwood support in
> Fedora, but alas it feels like the powers that be just don't care about
> us *plug users.  :(   If I want to continue using my plugs I guess I'll
> have to learn Debuntu.  :(
>> Quentin Armitage
> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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