On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 9:12 AM,  <tomaszdro...@interia.eu> wrote:
>> If it helps I can tell that "Fedora22_Minimal.img.xz" downloaded from:
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1hyW7T0dqn6fndnZTRhRm5BaW4zVDVyTGlGMWJES3Z1eXVDQzI5R1lnV21oRHFsWnVwSEU
>> installed with method described here:
>> http://www.orangepi.org/orangepibbsen/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=342
>> works.
> So I'm sure it does but with some crazy non Fedora hacked up vendor
> kernel probably with all the terrible vulnerabilities that come with
> it. What kernel does it report to actually have with "uname -a"?
>> If not F25 not F26 hope to see F27 or F28 or even later on my Orange Pi Plus 
>> 2e.
> So it'll be there when ever the upstream kernel bits land. Fedora 25
> will go GA with 4.8.x which doesn't have upstream support. Some bits
> are scheduled for 4.9 but time will tell home much there.

So I finally got around to testing my OrangePi PC to see where we
stood. Actually a bit better than I thought. On Fedora 25 it boots
fine from SD card and has usb support. No ethernet yet but I've been
looking at that for Pine64 support as it's the same device so I'm
hoping I can pull that in soon. That would enable basic support with
the following H3 based devices:

The 4.9 kernel which is currently in Fedora 26/rawhide supports the following:

The overall support in both cases is pretty basic. Currently with 4.8
it's mmc/serial/usb/RTC/wdt/IR/gpio/leds from a quick look. So no
net/display/sound yet.

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