This is always good information to know.

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-------- Original message --------
From: Stephen John Smoogen <> 
Date: 8/11/17  7:20 AM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: Andreas Reschke <> 
Subject: [fedora-arm] Re: Fedora with Odroid-XU4 and Cloudshell 2 

On 11 August 2017 at 06:29, Andreas Reschke <> wrote:
Am 10.08.2017 um 12:26 schrieb Peter Robinson:

> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 9:17 PM, Stewart Samuels <> wrote:

>> Hello Paul,


>> I'm not getting any output from the Odroid serial port, even from

>> u-boot.bin.  How can I tell if the issue is from u-boot.bin or after?  Also,


> If you don't get output from u-boot it's a u-boot or a physical config problem


>> has the initial-setup issue fixed and is it available in the current image

>> download for the F26 spins?


> No, we don't respin images once they've gone GA, it will be in F-27

Do I understand: Odroid-XU4 support will be in F-27?

That will be fine.

Possibly. It is always good to check at the beta stage for F27 that it didn't 
get dropped or corrupted somewhere.  This is one of those where the interested 
party must keep up with versus expecting Release Engineering to do so for 
them... [mainly because releng has a limited time and energy budget.]
Stephen J Smoogen.

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