On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 1:41 AM, Stewart Samuels <searide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> On 09/19/2017 02:11 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 5:27 AM, Stewart Samuels <searide...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Andreas & Dennis,
>>> I have filed an upstream bug report regarding the USB3 and Ethernet
>>> situation described below.  You can get to the bug report using the
>>> following link:
>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1487006
>> To note a bug in RHBZ is a Fedora bug not an upstream bug.
>> That being said I was browsing through the actual upstream arm-kernel
>> mailing list and it looks like others are seeing this problem and have
>> actually sent patches [1]. Once there's been some review and when I
>> get time I'll try to pull it int a Fedora kernel.
>> [1] http://www.spinics.net/lists/arm-kernel/msg606525.html
> Please let me know when you have a kernel or release available with the
> patch and from where to download it.  I would be happy to test it.

When it's accepted for upstream and I notice it I'll land it. All the
rest depends on my time, if someone else notices feel free to poke

>>> On 08/30/2017 08:06 PM, Stewart Samuels wrote:
>>> Hello Andreas,
>>> I can now confirm that the onboard Ethernet for the Odroid-XU4 indeed
>>> does
>>> NOT work in F26.  Looking at the Odroid hardware model, it looks to me
>>> like
>>> the onboard gigabit Ethernet port is tied to the USB3 controller.  If so,
>>> it
>>> makes sense that because USB3 is failing, the gigabit Ethernet may also
>>> fail.  I will file an upstream bug report regarding both the USB3 and
>>> onboard Ethernet situation.
>>>      Regards,
>>>      Stewart
>>> On 08/30/2017 07:59 AM, Stewart Samuels wrote:
>>> Hello Andreas,
>>> Close.  As I am not using the onboard ethernet, I did not test that so I
>>> cannot validate yet whether or not it works.  However, I can validate
>>> that
>>> the USB3 ports do not work.  If I get a chance today sometime, perhaps I
>>> will check the onboard ethernet.   As a result, see my adjustment to line
>>> item 2. embedded below.
>>>      Regards,
>>>      Stewart
>>> On 08/30/2017 01:16 AM, arm...@rirasoft.de wrote:
>>> Summary of Fedora on Odroid XU4
>>> 1. with Kernel 4.6.5-300.fc24 system boots without failure, but update to
>>> newer kernel fails due dracut didn't build suitable intramfs
>>>     https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1482825
>>> 2. newer kernel works only with "cpuidle.off=1" inserted into the
>>> "append"
>>> kernel line in the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file, but all USB3 Hosts
>>> failed, no onboard ethernet
>>>      2. Fedora 26 released kernels work but the system fails to boot
>>> unless
>>> "cpuidle.off=1" is inserted into the "append" kernel line in the
>>> /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file.  Additionally, the onboard USB3 ports
>>> fail.
>>>          2. Fedora 26 released kernels work but the system fails to boot
>>> unless "cpuidle.off=1" is inserted into the "append" kernel line in the
>>> /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file.  Additionally, the onboard USB3 ports
>>> fail as does the onboard Ethernet port.
>>> 3. To boot the system from the eMMC card:
>>>     A. The initramfs image file must be rebuilt.  The simplest way is to:
>>>         a. Boot up using the MicroSD card;
>>>         b. Partition the eMMC card such that partition 1 begins on sector
>>> 3072
>>>            (Default starting sector from fdisk is 2048).  There should be
>>> 4
>>> partitions created;
>>>         c. Mount the Fedora image desired to be installed on the eMMC
>>> card;
>>>         d. Copy all partition data from the mounted fedora image
>>> partitions
>>> (there are 4 for Fedora 26 ARM images) to the appropriate eMMC
>>> partitions;
>>>         e. Update the UUID values on what will be the
>>> /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file and /etc/fstab files of the eMMC card;
>>>         f. Assuming the eMMC partitions are mounted as such --
>>>               mount /dev/mmcblk1p4 /mnt
>>>               mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt/boot
>>>            then perform the following mounts --
>>>               mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
>>>               mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
>>>               mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys
>>>     B.  Rebuild the eMMC card's initramfs by executing the following
>>> command:
>>>         chroot /mnt dracut --add-drivers='pwrseq_emmc mmc_block'
>>> /boot/initramfs-4.11.8-300.fc26.armv7hl.img 4.11.8-300.fc26.armv7hl
>>>     C.  Flash the boot information in the header of the eMMC card;
>>>     C.  Shutdown the system, then remove the MicroSD card;
>>>     D.  Boot up using the eMMC card.
>>> 4.  If the system is to be updated using "dnf update", a new initramfs
>>> image
>>> must again be generated.  This can be done using steps 1f - B. above
>>> using
>>> the new initramfs and kernel images provided by the "dnf update".
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Note to the developers/maintainers of dracut:
>>> The kernel modules "pwrseq_emmc" and "mmc_block" should be included in
>>> dracut for the Odroid-XU3 and Odroid-XU4 such that the user need not have
>>> to
>>> execute this procedure each time and update to the system is performed.
>>> Is this correct and complete ?
>>> Andreas
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