
Thank you the response!  My replies inline below...

On Mon, April 15, 2024 11:14 am, Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi Derek,
>> I have a Wandboard (yeah, I know, OLD Hardware) currently running a
> As in the imx6 based Wandboard? Which model/rev? What release of
> Fedora, what kernel etc?

Yes, an imx6 Wandboard.  I'll have to go upstairs and open the case to see
the EXACT model/rev printed on the PCB.  Running "cat /proc/cpuinfo" only
shows a single core.  And it's running Fedora 36, currently running
5.18.9-200.fc36.armv7hl and libgpiod-1.6.3-7.fc36.armv7hl

>> project, and I'm trying to add some GPIO inputs to it.  In previous GPIO
>> handling (on a different platform) I used the /sys/class/gpio interfaces
>> to set up the GPIO, but I've discovered this is now deprecated and
>> removed
>> from Fedora.  So I installed libgpiod and am trying to use it.
> Yes, we stopped supporting that because it was deprecated and upstream
> asked us to.
>> I'm using
>> https://download.technexion.com/development_resources/wandboard/wbquad-revb1-userguide.pdf
>> as a reference for the board layout.  Specifically, on page 27, it shows
>> me that the JP4 header connects to GPIO3_12, GPIO3_27, GPIO6_31,
>> CPIO1_24,
>> GPIO7_8, GPIO3_26, GPIO_18, and GPIO_19.
>> I figure that GPIO_18 is going to be gpiochip0 line 18, and GPIO3_12
>> will
>> be gpiochip3 line 12..  Except that gpiodetect only tells me I have
>> gpiochip0 through gpiochip6, so I'm not sure where GPIO7_8 would get
>> mapped.  That's the first issue I have.
> You'd likely need to look at the device tree and pinmappings to see
> how they're mapped out.

I was trying to follow the device tree, and found a dts in the
wandboard-org tree that seemed to match the settings from that PDF I
pointed to.  Of course, that may or may not be correct to the actual
hardware I have running upstairs.

>> The second issue is that the kernel does not have any named mappings, so
>> running gpioinfo just displays generic data, like:
>> gpiochip6 - 32 lines:
>>         line   0:      unnamed       unused   input  active-high
>>         line   1:      unnamed       unused   input  active-high
>> Except, of course, looking at gpiochip3 line 12 shows me:
>> gpiochip3 - 32 lines:
>> ...
>>         line  12:      unnamed        "scl"  output  active-high [used
>> open-drain]
>> Which seems to imply that that GPIO3_12 is actually used for something
>> else -- or my mapping strategy is off.
> Probably a kernel device, often GPIOs are used for other things.

Being only ancillarily associated with Arm/Embedded HW -- what does it
mean for a GPIO to be "used for other things"?  And more importantly, why
would it be wired to a header if it's being used for something else?

> A quick look at the dtsi for the wandboards some of the GPIOs re used
> for SCL/SDA pins on two of the i2c buses. The i2c1 seems to not have
> anything attached so I guess in on a pin header for end user use, and
> i2c12 has a audio codec and for the camera connector.

How exactly is this done?  Is the pin wired to two places on the PCB?

>> I'd appreciate any guidance anyone might have on this subject.
> If it's a iMX6 based Wandboard the guidance will be limted as the
> support for ARMv7 went EOL when F-36 did so I have no recollection of
> what kernel, libgpiod version etc was shipped there.

Understood.  I just happen to have bought into the Wandboard platform a
long time ago, so this is what I've been using for the project.  It uses a
USB Relay, leveraging CRelay, so theoretically I could swap the system out
for a different board in order to get 4 GPIOs for external switch
detction, but honestly I'd rather not spend the money...  :)

> Peter


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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