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            <P align=left><FONT color="#006600"><FONT color=black 
            size=2><STRONG>N</STRONG>ew York, NY - Get swept away by 
            <STRONG>CYCLONE</STRONG>, the ultimate in extreme web surfing 
            technology from Planet Sweep.&nbsp; This patent-pending technology 
            brings an exciting new tool to the Internet 
            user.<BR><BR><STRONG>CYCLONE </STRONG>makes searching the Internet 
            faster and more complete.&nbsp; It gets you where you want to go 
            quickly and effortlessly.<BR><BR><STRONG>B</STRONG>egin your search 
            and set you parameters,<STRONG> CYCLONE </STRONG>does the 
            rest.&nbsp; It captures each page relevant to your search.&nbsp; You 
            get to see each page.&nbsp; No more searching through text 
            descriptions.&nbsp; No more second-guessing.&nbsp; Each web page 
            that matches your keyword is displayed for 15 seconds, 10 seconds, 
            5 seconds, you decide.&nbsp; Watch as site after site flashes on 
            screen, until you see exactly what you are looking for.&nbsp; You 
            can pause within a page and narrow your search.&nbsp; You can go 
            forward or backward as each page is displayed.&nbsp; You can change 
            how long you see each page.&nbsp; You are in control. 
            <BR><BR><STRONG>G</STRONG>et <STRONG>CYCLONE</STRONG> and see what 
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            rediscover the thrill of the surf.<BR><BR><STRONG>ABOUT PLANET SWEEP 
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            color=black>Headquartered in New York City Planet Sweep is an Internet 
            Technology company creating , sourcing and distributing the latest 
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