> In my informal experience, fathers and sons tend to work together 
> full-time only in professions with strict licensing or training 
> requirements.  Electricians, lawyers, realtors and even CPAs - 
> I've found more father/son teams here than in any other type of 
> job.  All of those jobs have fairly rigid prerequisites 
> (electricians have to pass journeyman and master-level tests; 
> lawyers have the bar and law school, etc).  Why is that?

As Eric pointed out, farming is also a profession where fathers and sons usually work 
together: in addition to what was named:  Carpenting, construction, medicine, 
mechanics, etc.  This is a social phenomenom much older than government licensing; it 
spans eras and cultures.  I'd say rather than licensing requirements, fathers and sons 
often work together in vocations with specialized training requirements.  Sons often 
learn this trade from their fathers and grow up in an environment where respect for 
this trade is fostered and encouraged.

Often in these professions, people must work together in teams and use very 
specialized knowledge to be successful.  A family bond is a good way to reduce search 
costs for good employees.  Vocational training is combined with father-son bonding for 
further reduction in the cost of training.  In "other types of jobs" that require less 
specialized training, the benefits of working with/for your father are typically much 

> Also - why is it more often "father/son," and not 
> "mother/daughter" or "mother/son"?  Or "father/daughter"?

In general, women do not go in to these types of professions.  Sons tend not to follow 
in the footsteps of their mothers for obvious reasons.  Mother-daughter professional 
relationships are less common because there are far fewer female professionals in 
these fields - but consider mother/daughter relationships in housewifery, modeling, 
beauty pageantry, etc.

- Zac Gochenour

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