Another interesting question might be how does the distribution of income of children of people in these professions vary conditional on whether they go into their parents line of work controlling for socioeconomic status, etc. I would gamble there are a disproportionate number of people centered around their parents profession's wage, with most coming from the lower end of the income spectrum -- in other words I am speculating that most of the additional wage from these professions comes from rote training and experience rather than other factors, although it seems also that the professions you mention all seem to also be of the "very small business" type, so the parents business might be an endowment much of which is only capturable if a child operates it, and as I believe small business operators are largely male (for whatever reasons, cultural or otherwise), that might explain some of the gender business, no pun intended.

At 08:56 PM 7/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:

In my informal experience, fathers and sons tend to work together full-time only in professions with strict licensing or training requirements. Electricians, lawyers, realtors and even CPAs - I've found more father/son teams here than in any other type of job. All of those jobs have fairly rigid prerequisites (electricians have to pass journeyman and master-level tests; lawyers have the bar and law school, etc). Why is that?

Also - why is it more often "father/son," and not "mother/daughter" or "mother/son"? Or "father/daughter"?


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