Robert Fogel discussed the use of oxen and horses in one of the first
chapters of his recent book _The Fourth Great Awakening_. Horses are
actually better for plowing or pulling lumber than oxen for various
reasons, including strength. However, the anatomy of the horses' necks is quite
different from the oxen. With oxen, you can just tie something around the
neck and they can pull. With horses this method leads to either choking or
cutting off circulation (I can't remember which), so that a different type
of harness is necessary. The development of the ring (or U shaped)
harness that puts pressure on the shoulders took a very long time
according to Fogel, but the result lead to to tremendous increase in
productivity in agriculture.

Dimitriy Masterov

Dimitriy V. Masterov

Center for Social Program Evaluation
1155 East 60th St. Room 038
Chicago, IL 60637
Work: (773)256-6005
Fax: (773)256-6313

1312 East 53rd St., Apt.309
Chicago, IL 60615
Mobile: (773)220-2760

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