I jaywalked a half dozen times on my way in to work this morning, and I'll
do it again tonight [meaning I'm an incorrigible recidivist].  Moreover,
hardly anybody here in Bonn jaywalks, but sometimes they do after they see
me doing it [leading others into breaking the law].  Does my propensity to
jaywalk mean that I should be banned from being on the other side of the
street -- surely if I'm willing to break the law to cross the street, I
must be willing to rape and pillage as soon as I get to the other side,

Eric Crampton

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Aschwin de Wolf wrote:

> This brings us back to the question if illegals break the law because they
> think it's "not sensible" (for example: do illegal immigrants from mexico
> also think that mexico should have open borders?) or because they're more
> inclined to break the law anyway.
> Considering the higher crime rates among illegals the latter may be true.

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