I suspect the fact that many people use the internet to view pornography
makes contemporaneous v!agra spam fairly effective. If consumer decisions
are susceptible to situational cues and entrepreneurs exploit this feature
of preferences, aroused people will purchase large quantities of v!agra.
You might complain that porn is a substitute, and not a complement, to
sexual activity, but I don't think this is the case. Survey microdata
collected by Edward Laumann reveals that Americans do not
use pornography to compensate for lack of sexual contact. In fact,
autoerotic behavior (which lumps together everything from attending strip
clubs to phone sex to masturbation) is associated with higher levels of
partnered sexual activity. Both men and women who are highly autoerotic
are more likely to have multiple sexual partners in a short period of
time. Moreover, use of pornography is highly correlated with diversity of
sexual practices. All this suggests that such consumers might actually
require v!agra given their heightened sexual behavior.

Dimitriy V. Masterov

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