The survey is rather leading -- what about phrasing it as you pay $.01 and
everyone else pays you $.01 when they send you email?  Also, the results of
the other polls show that people are willing to make judgements with little
to no information, so I have to join the "surveys don't mean much"
bandwagon.  I have a hard time believing that the cost of processing spam
is around $.01 as even compared with an hour of low wage labor (say
$8.00/hr),  everyone should be able to process around 800 pieces of spam an
hour on average.  I could believe that, except that the processing is
spread out over a long time period (3-12 months?) with messages
intentionally designed to make you think that "gee, it looks like spam but
I'd better check."  Thus I would guess that the marginal cost of spam is
higher.  Given then though that the total cost of spam processing over a
year is probably low, (I probably spend more time having spam driven
conversations like this than dealing with actual spam) I would wager that
people are reacting negatively to the idea of paying for email in any
fashion as given the market power your existing email provider will have
over your established email address, the rates charged could easily surpass
the total cost of "spam processing."

A $.10 reimbursement for reading this message is available upon
request.  (Requester pays S&H)

-- John Morrow

At 11:22 AM 3/10/2004 -0500, you wrote:

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