[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Friedman) writes:
>It's possible that I'm missing something--that there is some additional
>large source of uncertainty that could change the outcome, such as huge
>numbers of uncounted absentee ballots--but I don't think so. It looks to
>me as though CNN doesn't want to concede that the election is over
>because when they do people will stop viewing their web site (and, I
>presume, watching their TV programs).

 That strategy would normally fail due to viewers switching to the news
source that is first to report the result. Maybe Kerry voters want to
avoid knowing the news, or CNN mistakenly thinks that is the case?

 Kerry has apparently conceded just now, while CNN is only calling 254
electoral votes for Bush, and Fox showing 269 for Bush (strangely reluctant
to call Nevada).
Peter McCluskey          | To say that President George W. Bush has been
www.bayesianinvestor.com | spending money like a drunken sailor is an insult to
                         | drunken sailors. - Nick Gillespie, Reason Magazine

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