I must gleefully report that I am one of the winners of the 2005 Thomas
S. Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Cause of Civil
Liberties, largely for my article "The Economics of Szasz: Preferences,
Constraints, and Mental Illness." The other prize-winner is
individualist feminist Joan Kennedy Taylor.

There will be an award ceremony at the Cato Institute on September 21,
6:00-7:30 P.M. The event is open to the public, and a lot of my friends
will be coming - probably including some of your favorite bloggers. If
you live in the D.C. area, it would be great chance to meet in person.

Hope to see you there!
                        Prof. Bryan Caplan
       Department of Economics      George Mason University
http://www.bcaplan.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://econlog.econlib.org

   "[M]uch of the advice from the parenting experts is flapdoodle.
    But surely the advice is grounded in research on children's
    development?  Yes, from the many useless studies that show
    a correlation between the behavior of parents and the
    behavior of their biological children and conclude that
    parenting shapes the child, as if there were no such thing as
                --Steven Pinker, *The Blank Slate*

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