I think I have read that some who favor affirmative action in college admissions say something like "with more racial and ethinic diversity in the class room, we here more viewpoints (or more liberal or more tolerant points of view)" Anybody else here or read that? And if so, anybody know of a citation or link?
It seems that if that is true, then perhaps if the faculty is dominated by liberals, we will be less likely to here free market views expressed on a campus. My guess is that when people gather, if they are all of a similar mind or belong to the same type of group, they may tend to express only certain types opinions and look down on or ridicule other types of opinions.
Off the point, but there was a quote in the paper yesterday (I forgot from who) it was something like "Social scientists make an art of out trying to pull habits out of rats."
Cyril Morong

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