Bill's comment was interesting.  The main thing I got from Harris is
that you *can* affect how much fun your kid has while he/she is around
you, and how much they like you in the future.  As she says, you don't
spend time with your spouse in order to "mold" her, but to have fun
together; why would kids be any different?
            Prof. Bryan Caplan               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

  "We may be dissatisfied with television for two quite different 
   reasons: because our set does not work, or because we dislike 
   the program we are receiving.  Similarly, we may be dissatisfied 
   with ourselves for two quite different reasons: because our body 
   does not work (bodily illness), or because we dislike our 
   conduct (mental illness)."
                   --Thomas Szasz, *The Untamed Tongue*

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