Frank's conclusion is also pretty funny:

"These are symptoms of a social problem, no question about it.
But the feelings that give rise to this problem are no more blameworthy
than those of a student who's upset about getting a D on an exam."

When a kid at MIT kills himself over a C average, most people *do*
appropriately shake their heads at his exaggerated disappointment.  And
a non-suicidal Stanford student with a C who waxes rhapsodic that "My
life is a failure" would hopefully be greeted with some eye-rolling.
            Prof. Bryan Caplan               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

  "We may be dissatisfied with television for two quite different 
   reasons: because our set does not work, or because we dislike 
   the program we are receiving.  Similarly, we may be dissatisfied 
   with ourselves for two quite different reasons: because our body 
   does not work (bodily illness), or because we dislike our 
   conduct (mental illness)."
                   --Thomas Szasz, *The Untamed Tongue*

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