""William Dickens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:

> If someone knows of a study showing that homelessness is voluntary I would lo
> ve to see it. 

Here's a link to comprehensive study done by the Urban Institute 
(careful, document is all in one page, over 500KB):


I would call the readers attention to Fig. 2.8, "Most Important 
Thing Respondent Thinks is Preventing Exit from Homelessness".  Of 
all respondents, 30% say "Insufficient Income" and a different 24% 
say "Lack of Job".  Supporting demographic info:

* About 75% of the homeless are above age 18. (Table 2.3)

* Around 90% of homeless adults with progeny do NOT have custody of 
their children. (Fig. 2.7)

* Occurrence of mental health problems: Lifetime 57%, past year 45%, 
past month 39%.  (Table 2.4)

* Occurence of drug and/or alcohol problems w/o mental illness: 
Lifetime 30%, past year 29%, past month 27% (Table 2.4)

Therefore, given the excellent performance of the economy at the 
time the data was collected (1996, 1997), we can infer:

* A significant portion of the homeless are mentally ill, and that 
may prevent them from holding down jobs.

* Around around 30% have substance abuse problems _not_ as a result 
of mental illness.  This substance abuse may prevent them from 
holding down jobs, as well.

* The rest, around 15-30%, don't want jobs bad enough.

Thus, you can draw one of two conclusions:

* If you believe that substance abuse is a choice, then 45-60% of 
the homeless are that way as a direct result of their choices.

* If you believe that substance abuse is a disease, then only 15-30% 
of the homeless are that way as a direct result of their choices.

Since I believe the former, my view that for many homelessness is a 
choice is supported by this study.  I do not see any figures for 
what fraction of those mentally ill refuse treatment; if it is 
signficant, then there is yet another large subgroup for whom 
homelessness is at least somewhat of a choice.


Sourav Mandal

Sourav K. Mandal


"In enforcing a truth we need severity rather than
efflorescence of language. We must be simple, 
precise, terse."

                      -- Edgar Allan Poe, 
                        "The Poetic Principle"

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