On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 02:12:37PM -0500, M. A. Johnson wrote
> Those 'wealthiest' persons currently 'contribute' a 33% 'share'
> of the income taxes extracted while only creating 15% of the
> earnings.

Are there statistics as to what different fractions of society
contribute and receive to/from the total wealth of the nation? 

The important question is in my opinion not so much about income distribution,
but income redistribution. Are there relevant statistics here?

Income redistribution takes on many forms, not only welfare, but also
things like subsidies to products that are consumed largely by a
wealthier elite, like operas, free higher education and modern art museums.

If everybody gets equally to what he produces, there still might be some
redistribution for the top downwards due to charity. Currently I have
the impression that income redistribution goes from the middle on both
upwards and downwards. (at least in the country I live in.)


Krist van Besien                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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