You could always raise the query at our community on
who's true & fair view
though I expect a bible rather than a one-pager is what's needed after
chris macrae, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacob W Bręstrup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 10 February 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: literature on business ethics / corporate responsibility

> Armchairs,
> A friend of mine is looking for a very short (1 page) article on business
> ethics / corporate responsibility for a course at the university. It must
> have appeared in a journal / periodical.
> I boasted that the list would be able to come up with a couple of
> suggestions in no time...
> well... is it??
> - jacob braestrup
> ps: I know the request is somewhat bizarre (the length), but that's
> universities for you - hope someone can help
> pps: already checked the cato journal on-line: no luck!

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