>From: Ananda Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Basketball Puzzle
>Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:41:56 -0700

I find #1 to be the most reasonable:

>Possible answers:
>1. Agents are the ones who are really in charge; they maximize their own
>incomes by representing as many players as possible. They also have an
>incentive to represent "high potential" players who will sign big contracts
>and drop out of the league after three years, since this sort of contract
>represents fast cash with little long-term investment -- a fairly common
>occurrence among high school players. Agents thus use their influence over
>players (and by proxy the players' union) to keep the door open for high
>school players. Objection: why don't less popular agents point this out to
>players and use it as a selling point?

Response to objection: because they're less popular for a reason.  Probably 
because they're not quite as good ("good" meaning well-connected, skilled in 
negotiation, strong in reputation, etc).


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