Grey Thomas wrote:

>>Let us assume the Bible is not true; further, that there is no Biblical God.
>>Thus, no basis for ANY of the 10 commandments, nor thus for any absolute
>>moral good vs. evil.  So fornication, adultery, stealing, murder are not 
>>This "obviously" results in a selfish, mean society full of big and little
>>criminals who are constantly calculating how to cheat and steal the most
>>while getting away with it; life is for the current momentary pleasure. ...
>>Irrespective of the "objective" truth of the Bible, the superiority of a
>>"Bible believing society" is a position I strongly believe, 

Doesn't your position commit you to believing that the people in our 
society who do not believe in the Bible
are in fact mostly selfish mean criminals?  What empirical support is 
there for this claim?  

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