I stand corrected!!  21 months for AER papers? Hmmm... Fabio

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Robson, Alex wrote:

> Fabio Rojas wrote: 
> "I'd say economics has a pretty decent turn around time."  
> The following are data from a recent paper by Glenn Ellison of MIT (JPE, October 
>2002).  The data are average times (measured in months) between initial submission 
>and acceptance at various economics journals in the year 1999.  (The full paper is 
>available for viewing at http://web.mit.edu/gellison/www/jrnem2.pdf ): 
> American Economic Review              21.1
> Econometrica                  26.3
> Journal of Political Economy          20.3
> Quarterly Journal of Economics        13.0
> Review of Economic Studies    28.8
> Canadian Journal of Economics         16.6
> Economic Inquiry                      13.0
> Economic Journal                      18.2
> International Economic Review         16.8
> Review of Economics and Statistics 18.8
> Journal of Applied Econometrics       21.5
> Journal of Comparative Economics      10.1
> Journal of Development Economics      17.3
> Journal of Econometrics               25.5
> Journal of Economic Theory            16.4
> Journal of Environmental Ec. & Man. 13.1
> Journal of International Economics     16.2
> Journal of Law and Economics  14.8
> Journal of Mathematical Economics      8.5
> Journal of Monetary Economics         16.0
> Journal of Public Economics           9.9
> Journal of Urban Economics            8.8
> RAND Journal of Economics             20.9
> Journal of Accounting and Economics 11.5
> Journal of Finance                    18.6
> Journal of Financial Economics        14.8
> Alex
> Dr Alex Robson
> School of Economics
> Faculty of Economics and Commerce
> Australian National University
> Canberra ACT 0200. 
> Ph +61-2-6125-4909
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         fabio guillermo rojas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, 14 October 2002 8:47 AM
> Subject:      Journal response times
> > >Anyone have any idea why the norm in economics allows referees so much
> > time to do a report? Why its so different from other fields? Is this one
> > of those "soft" vs. "hard" field things? Its my impression that the
> > physical science journals all want fast turn around on their referee
> > reports. Anybody know what its like with Anthropology, Sociology, or
> > Political Science? <
> I'd say economics has a pretty decent turn around time. I currently work
> at the American Journal of Sociology and we usually get papers back
> to authors in less than 90 days, often 60 days. My experience is that top
> tier journals do better than second or third tier because they often have
> prestige and staff, which encourage quick reviewer response. Most
> sociology journals do much worse than AJS.
> As far as discipline goes, economics and political science is best because
> their is consensus on what constitutes decent research and you don't have
> to master every detail of a paper to assess its quality. The worst is
> mathematics because you really have to understand every symbol in every
> equation. Humanities are also bad - you don't have to understand every
> word, but humanities professors are very unresponsive. On another
> list-serv, I saw one math professor complain that a 5 page research note
> had spent *years* at one journal. You can get similar complaints from
> humanities professors.
> In the middle are engineering, sociolgy, education and other fields. Most
> journals get stuff back from 3 months to a year and these fields are
> "in-between" fast fields like economics and slow pokes like math.
> Fabio

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