In a message dated 10/13/02 11:00:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  Should only corporate science be considered private


~Alypius Skinner >>

For that matter, not all corporate science would be purely private either, 
since some of it probably gets directly subsidized and some of it indirectly 
so.  I'm sure, for instance, that Archer Daniel Midland (which bills itself 
as "Supermarket to the World" but which I think of as "Airline to Bob Dole 
since it used to fly him around the country to campaign for the GOP 
nomination in 1995 and 1996) does scientific agricultural research, but it 
also, as I  understand it, collects millions of dollars in ethanol subsidies.

With the widespread intrusion of the federal government into the lives and 
business of everyone, it might be fruitful to consider a spectrum of research 
spanning the gamut from purely private to purely governmental rather than 
considering just the two extremes.

David Levenstam

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