In a message dated 11/14/02 4:06:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"It seems like the cigarette is everything a good
solid currency needs to be...."

Except that you can't smoke your cigarettes and have
them, too.  A researcher with alot of smokes could
probably come up with some interesting monetary theory

-jsh >>

This reminds me that science fiction author James Blish, who novelized the 
original Star Trek series, wrote a mammoth work called Cities in Flight in 
which someone developed and anti-gravity technology that allowed whole cities 
to migrate around the cosmos.  Someone else developed a longevity drug which 
allowed the people in the migratory cities--or at least some of the people in 
the cities--to live indefinitely.  For some period of time--the book covers 
centuries as I recall--the cities used the drug as money, but the problem of 
not being able to take the drug and have it too came home to roost and their 
monetary system collapsed.


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