Hi ,

Our leaders are putting the nation at stake for the nuclear liability bill. The Standing Committee looking at the bill has submitted its recommendations to the Parliament. The BJP has been bought over by the Congress and is now supporting this bill. The Cabinet will meet on 19th August,2010 and the bill gets tabled next week.

In its current form the bill limits the liability for operator of the nuclear facility in case of a nuclear accident. If the cost exceeds the limit we will have to pay for it. The Standing Committee has ignored the demand for unlimited liability which would have made the bill more competent.

Our leaders have not learnt anything from the injustices of Bhopal. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, eager to get this bill cleared needs to know that we want unlimited liability. I have already sent him an email asking him to incorporate unlimited liability in the bill. A large number of emails demanding the same will make it difficult for him to ignore us. We have very little time to make this change.

Can you also write to PM Manmohan Singh asking him to incorporate unlimited liability?




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