On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 06:31:47PM +0200, Thorsten Mühlfelder wrote:
> > Greetings:  I have armedslack13.27 running except for viewing YouTube
> > video.. (RasPi-B)
> > 
> > Adobe site says no such plugin available.. Any suggestions or comments?
> > TIA.. (I tried a few but they must be for X86, not ARM??)
> Hi,
> this has been discussed here:
> http://lists.armedslack.org/pipermail/armedslack/2012-June/001276.html

     Thanks; very interesting confirming that video streaming or XBMC not
easy with the RasPi, unless I'm missing something..  I have raspbmc running
on a separate SDHC OK but; how do I set up with no obvious setup to get on
the INet (ADSL)?? Catch22?? I tried Pidora and could get on the INet but no
XBMC.. Thanks again, I'll keep trying but I think I'm out of my league..

       Hal       UNIX-GNU/Linux; Slackware 13.1  kernel

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