
To summarize:  The reported problem only occurs on OSX, and for those
who haven't tried installed matrixStats v0.1.3, the standard
installation procedure will work, that is:


It is only those who have tried to install matrixStats (also v0.1.3)
that was build for R v2.7.x, that need to do:


For people still running R v2.7.x on OSX, I suggest to update R (it's
old!), because the provided matrixStat is now build for R v2.8.x.


On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Lynn Amon <> wrote:
> Hey, that does work!!
> Thanks!
> Lynn
> Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> for matrixStats, try to force the following installation in a fresh R 
>> session:
>> source("";);
>> installPackages("";);
>> Then restart R, and try:
>> library("matrixStats");
>> If this does not work, I'd suggest to update R to R v2.8.1 (because
>> there's been quite a few updates/bug fixes since October) and retry
>> the above.
>> If it still does not work, what does the following give:
>> packageDescription("matrixStats");
>> Cheers
>> Henrik
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Lynn Amon <> wrote:
>>> Hello Henrik,
>>> Thanks for following up on this.
>>> I guess I'm having a similar problem as Michael had with EBImage.
>>> If I install this way:
>>> bash-3.2$ R CMD INSTALL
>>> ~/Desktop/matrixStats_0.1.3_R_i386-apple-darwin8.10.1.tar.gz
>>> * Installing to library '/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library'
>>> * Installing *binary* package 'matrixStats' ...
>>> * DONE (matrixStats)
>>> and then run R from the command line I have no problems.
>>> But if I use the R console, I get:
>>>  > library(matrixStats)
>>> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
>>>  unable to load shared library
>>> '/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/':
>>> dlopen(/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/,
>>> 6): Library not loaded:
>>> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/lib/libR.dylib
>>>  Referenced from:
>>> /Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/
>>>  Reason: image not found
>>> Error: package/namespace load failed for 'matrixStats'
>>>  > sessionInfo()
>>> R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
>>> i386-apple-darwin8.11.1
>>> locale:
>>> en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>> This is what happens when I try installing from R console using
>>> install.packages
>>>  >
>>> install.packages("~/Desktop/matrixStats_0.1.3_R_i386-apple-darwin8.10.1.tar.gz",repos=NULL)
>>> Warning in
>>> install.packages("~/Desktop/matrixStats_0.1.3_R_i386-apple-darwin8.10.1.tar.gz",
>>> :
>>>  argument 'lib' is missing: using '/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library'
>>> Error in gzfile(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
>>> In addition: Warning message:
>>> In gzfile(file, "r") :
>>>  cannot open compressed file
>>> 'matrixStats_0.1.3_R_i386-apple-darwin8.10.1.tar.gz/DESCRIPTION',
>>> probable reason 'No such file or directory'
>>> And this what happens when I try to install from R console using hbInstall
>>>  > source("";);
>>>  > hbInstall("aroma.affymetrix");
>>> Installing/updating: CRAN:digest (>= 0.3.1)
>>> Repositories: CRAN
>>> Package: digest (>= 0.3.1)
>>> Tags:
>>> Updating packages: digest from repository 'DEFAULT'
>>>  01/01. digest: v0.3.1, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:R.utils (>= 1.1.1)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: R.utils (>= 1.1.1)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' R.utils (>= 1.1.1) ' is needed, it
>>> is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is that
>>> the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: R.utils from repository ''
>>>  01/01. R.utils: v1.1.2, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:R.cache (>= 1.0.7)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: R.cache (>= 1.0.7)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' R.cache (>= 1.0.7) ' is needed, it
>>> is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is that
>>> the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: R.cache from repository ''
>>>  01/01. R.cache: v0.1.7, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: CRAN:R.rsp (>= 0.3.4)
>>> Repositories: CRAN
>>> Package: R.rsp (>= 0.3.4)
>>> Tags:
>>> Updating packages: R.rsp from repository 'DEFAULT'
>>>  01/01. R.rsp: v0.3.4, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:R.huge (>= 0.1.6)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: R.huge (>= 0.1.6)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' R.huge (>= 0.1.6) ' is needed, it is
>>> enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is that the
>>> repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: R.huge from repository ''
>>>  01/01. R.huge: v0.1.6, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:aroma.apd (>= 0.1.3)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: aroma.apd (>= 0.1.3)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' aroma.apd (>= 0.1.3) ' is needed, it
>>> is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is that
>>> the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: aroma.apd from repository ''
>>>  01/01. aroma.apd: v0.1.3, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:matrixStats (>= 0.1.3),mac=hasBinary
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: matrixStats (>= 0.1.3)
>>> Tags: mac=hasBinary
>>> Installation/update of package ' matrixStats (>= 0.1.3) ', if needed, is
>>> enforced to be from universal binary version on Macs.
>>> Updating packages: matrixStats from repository
>>> ''
>>>  01/01. matrixStats: v0.1.3, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:aroma.light (>= 1.9.2)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: aroma.light (>= 1.9.2)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' aroma.light (>= 1.9.2) ' is needed,
>>> it is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is
>>> that the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version
>>> for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: aroma.light from repository
>>> ''
>>>  01/01. aroma.light: v1.9.2, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:affxparser (>= 1.13.8)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: affxparser (>= 1.13.8)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: affxparser (>= 1.13.8)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:preprocessCore (>= 1.0.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: preprocessCore (>= 1.0.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: preprocessCore (>= 1.0.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:gcrma (>= 2.10.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: gcrma (>= 2.10.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: gcrma (>= 2.10.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:affyio (>= 1.6.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: affyio (>= 1.6.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: affyio (>= 1.6.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:Biobase (>= 1.16.1)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: Biobase (>= 1.16.1)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: Biobase (>= 1.16.1)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:affy (>= 1.16.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: affy (>= 1.16.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: affy (>= 1.16.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:matchprobes (>= 1.10.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: matchprobes (>= 1.10.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: matchprobes (>= 1.10.0)
>>> Installing/updating: CRAN:aws
>>> Repositories: CRAN
>>> Package: aws
>>> Tags:
>>> Updating packages: aws from repository 'DEFAULT'
>>>  01/01. aws: v1.3-3.1, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:GLAD (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: GLAD (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: GLAD (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BIOC:DNAcopy (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Repositories: BIOC
>>> Package: DNAcopy (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Tags:
>>> Package up to date: DNAcopy (>= 1.12.0)
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:aroma.core (>= 0.9.6)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: aroma.core (>= 0.9.6)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' aroma.core (>= 0.9.6) ' is needed,
>>> it is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for this is
>>> that the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary version
>>> for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: aroma.core from repository ''
>>>  01/01. aroma.core: v0.9.6, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:aroma.affymetrix (>= 0.9.6)
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: aroma.affymetrix (>= 0.9.6)
>>> Tags:
>>> If installation/update of package ' aroma.affymetrix (>= 0.9.6) ' is
>>> needed, it is enforced to be from source. The most likely reason for
>>> this is that the repository does currently not contain a prebuild binary
>>> version for Mac.
>>> Updating packages: aroma.affymetrix from repository
>>> ''
>>>  01/01. aroma.affymetrix: v0.9.6, i.e. up to date.
>>> Installing/updating: BRAJU:sfit (>= 0.1.5),mac=hasBinary
>>> Repositories: BRAJU
>>> Package: sfit (>= 0.1.5)
>>> Tags: mac=hasBinary
>>> Installation/update of package ' sfit (>= 0.1.5) ', if needed, is
>>> enforced to be from universal binary version on Macs.
>>> Updating packages: sfit from repository ''
>>>  01/01. sfit: v0.1.5, i.e. up to date.
>>> ############################################################
>>> #                                                          #
>>> #       Packages installed/updated. Please restart R.      #
>>> #                                                          #
>>> ############################################################
>>> But after I restart R console, I get this:
>>>  > library(aroma.affymetrix)
>>> Loading required package: R.utils
>>> Loading required package: R.oo
>>> Loading required package: R.methodsS3
>>> R.methodsS3 v1.0.3 (2008-07-02) successfully loaded. See ?R.methodsS3
>>> for help.
>>> R.oo v1.4.6 (2008-08-11) successfully loaded. See ?R.oo for help.
>>> R.utils v1.1.2 (2008-12-27) successfully loaded. See ?R.utils for help.
>>> Loading required package: aroma.core
>>> Loading required package: R.cache
>>> R.cache v0.1.7 (2008-02-27) successfully loaded. See ?R.cache for help.
>>> Loading required package: R.rsp
>>> R.rsp v0.3.4 (2008-03-06) successfully loaded. See ?R.rsp for help.
>>>  Type browseRsp() to open the RSP main menu in your browser.
>>> Loading required package: matrixStats
>>> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
>>>  unable to load shared library
>>> '/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/':
>>> dlopen(/Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/,
>>> 6): Library not loaded:
>>> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/lib/libR.dylib
>>>  Referenced from:
>>> /Users/lamon/Library/R/2.8/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/
>>>  Reason: image not found
>>> Error: package 'matrixStats' could not be loaded
>>> Lynn
>>> Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
>>>> FYI, I'm now using to build OSX universal binaries for
>>>> matrixStats.  Please try again and see if matrixStats now install
>>>> using:
>>>> source("";);
>>>> hbInstall("aroma.affymetrix");
>>>> Please let us know if this works.
>>>> FYI, the matrixStats binaries are now build for R v2.8.x; backward
>>>> compatibility to R v2.7.x is not guaranteed/supported, but for now,
>>>> such binaries can be downloaded from:
>>>> /Henrik
>>>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Mark Robinson <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Lynn.
>>>>> How did you INSTALL it?  It seems to work ok for me ...
>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>> mac1618:~ mrobinson$ R CMD INSTALL matrixStats_0.1.3_R_i386-apple-
>>>>> darwin8.11.1.tar.gz
>>>>> * Installing to library '/Users/mrobinson/Library/R/2.8/library/'
>>>>> * Installing *binary* package 'matrixStats' ...
>>>>> * DONE (matrixStats)
>>>>> mac1618:~ mrobinson$ R
>>>>> R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
>>>>> Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
>>>>> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
>>>>> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
>>>>> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
>>>>> Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
>>>>>   Natural language support but running in an English locale
>>>>> R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
>>>>> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
>>>>> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
>>>>> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
>>>>> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
>>>>> Type 'q()' to quit R.
>>>>>  > library(matrixStats)
>>>>>  > sessionInfo()
>>>>> R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
>>>>> i386-apple-darwin8.11.1
>>>>> locale:
>>>>> en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
>>>>> attached base packages:
>>>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>>>> other attached packages:
>>>>> [1] matrixStats_0.1.3
>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>> On 16/12/2008, at 5:16 AM, Lynn Amon wrote:
>>>>>> These packages won't install because there is no DESCRIPTION file.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Lynn
>>>>>> Mark Robinson wrote:
>>>>>>> Attached.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>> On 15/12/2008, at 9:48 AM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> thanks for reporting this.  Could someone out there, please build
>>>>>>>> OSX
>>>>>>>> universal binaries of matrixStats on *R v2.8.x*?  You can get the
>>>>>>>> source of latest version by:
>>>>>>>> source("";);
>>>>>>>> hbGet("matrixStats", "0.1.3", "tar.gz");
>>>>>>>> For more details, see on how to build a universal binary, see thread
>>>>>>>> 'Could some please build matrixStats_0.1.2.tgz for OSX?' on on July
>>>>>>>> 30, 2008:
>>>>>>>> Forward it to the list or me, and I'll make it available on the
>>>>>>>> servers.
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Henrik
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:26 PM, mbaudis <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> while updating to R 2.8, I ran into (up to now) 2 erors:
>>>>>>>>> 1. matrixstats doesn't load, since it references to R 2.7:
>>>>>>>>> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
>>>>>>>>> unable to load shared library '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/
>>>>>>>>> Resources/library/matrixStats/libs/i386/':
>>>>>>>>> dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/
>>>>>>>>> matrixStats/
>>>>>>>>> libs/i386/, 6): Library not loaded: /Library/
>>>>>>>>> Frameworks/
>>>>>>>>> R.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/lib/libR.dylib
>>>>>>>>> Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/
>>>>>>>>> matrixStats/libs/i386/
>>>>>>>>> Reason: image not found
>>>>>>>>> I tried to change the 2.7 to 2.8 (in At least
>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>> to load ...
>>>>>>>> [snip]
>>>>>>>>> Help & comments appreciated!
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Michael.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> Mark Robinson
>>>>>>> Epigenetics Laboratory, Garvan
>>>>>>> Bioinformatics Division, WEHI
>>>>>>> e:
>>>>>>> e:
>>>>>>> p: +61 (0)3 9345 2628
>>>>>>> f: +61 (0)3 9347 0852
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Mark Robinson
>>>>> Epigenetics Laboratory, Garvan
>>>>> Bioinformatics Division, WEHI
>>>>> e:
>>>>> e:
>>>>> p: +61 (0)3 9345 2628
>>>>> f: +61 (0)3 9347 0852
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>> >>
>> >>
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
> version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "aroma.affymetrix" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"aroma.affymetrix" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

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