
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Matt <matt.kowg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hendrik,
> I was hoping you could guide through the process of using GladModel
> with a sample of simulated data of raw copy number estimates for a
> single chromosome. How do I create the CnChipEffectSet with just a
> vector y of raw CNs and no CEL files? Assume that the vector is a
> vector of continuous numbers of the same length as the number of SNPs
> on chromosome 8 on the 500K Nsp chip.

I think you're making it harder for yourself by trying to wrap it up
in aroma.affymetrix data/file structures (unless you want to simulate
tons of data).  Instead, just use the functions in the GLAD package as
is.  Alternatively, you can use the segmentByGLAD() wrapper method for
RawGenericSignals.  See help(segmentByCBS.RawGenomicSignals) and
example(segmentByCBS.RawGenomicSignals) of aroma.core for more ideas.


> Thanks for your help!
> >

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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