Thanks Much Henrik.

I used the ACS file, but I am not able to go further than the "process()". 
 I am getting an error 

Error: Failed to rename temporary file: 
probeData/GSE4757,OBC/HG-U133_Plus_2/GSM107523.CEL.tmp.tmp -> 
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In file.remove(pathnameT) :
  cannot remove file 'probeData/GSE4757,OBC/filef9050a139e3', reason 
'Permission denied'
2: In file.remove(pathnameT) :
  cannot remove file 'probeData/GSE4757,OBC/HG-U133_Plus_2/filef90ba31c36', 
reason 'Permission denied'
3: In file.remove(pathnameT) :
  cannot remove file 'probeData/GSE4757,OBC/HG-U133_Plus_2/filef909434baf', 
reason 'Permission denied'
4: In file.remove(pathnameT) :
  cannot remove file 
'probeData/GSE4757,OBC/HG-U133_Plus_2/filef90690e1d4d', reason 'Permission 


On Saturday, November 3, 2012 3:24:39 PM UTC+5:30, Raj Patrao wrote:
> *Hello All,*
> *
> *
> *I am getting the following error when doing process in aroma: *
> > csB <- process(bc,verbose=TRUE);
> Background correcting data set...
>  Computing probe affinities (independent of data)...
> [2012-11-03 15:10:02] Exception: Failed to identify CDF unit with unit 
> name '1': annotationData/chipTypes/HG-U133_Plus_2/u133plus2gb_probe_tab
>   at #09. getProbeSequenceData.AffymetrixCdfFile(this, safe = safe, 
> verbose = verbose)
>           - getProbeSequenceData.AffymetrixCdfFile() is in environment 
> 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #08. getProbeSequenceData(this, safe = safe, verbose = verbose)
>           - getProbeSequenceData() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #07. computeAffinities.AffymetrixCdfFile(cdf, paths = probePath, ..., 
>               verbose = less(verbose))
>           - computeAffinities.AffymetrixCdfFile() is in environment 
> 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #06. computeAffinities(cdf, paths = probePath, ..., verbose = 
> less(verbose))
>           - computeAffinities() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #05. bgAdjustGcrma.AffymetrixCelSet(structure(NA, .env = 
> <environment>, class = c("AffymetrixCelSet", 
>           "AffymetrixFileSet", "AromaPlatformInterface", 
> "AromaMicroarrayDataSet", 
>           "GenericDataFileSet", "FullNameInterface", "Object")), path = 
> "probeData/GSE4757,GRBC/HG-U133_Plus_2", 
>               verbose = structure(TRUE, .env = <environment>, class = 
> c("Verbose", 
>               "Object")), overwrite = FALSE, subsetToUpdate = NULL, 
> typesToUpdate = "pm", 
>               indicesNegativeControl = NULL, affinities = NULL, type = 
> "fullmodel", 
>               opticalAdjust = TRUE, gsbAdjust = TRUE, gsbParameters = 
> NULL, 
>               .deprecated = FALSE)
>           - bgAdjustGcrma.AffymetrixCelSet() is in environment 
> 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #04. bgAdjustGcrma(structure(NA, .env = <environment>, class = 
> c("AffymetrixCelSet", 
>           "AffymetrixFileSet", "AromaPlatformInterface", 
> "AromaMicroarrayDataSet", 
>           "GenericDataFileSet", "FullNameInterface", "Object")), path = 
> "probeData/GSE4757,GRBC/HG-U133_Plus_2", 
>               verbose = structure(TRUE, .env = <environment>, class = 
> c("Verbose", 
>               "Object")), overwrite = FALSE, subsetToUpdate = NULL, 
> typesToUpdate = "pm", 
>               indicesNegativeControl = NULL, affinities = NULL, type = 
> "fullmodel", 
>               opticalAdjust = TRUE, gsbAdjust = TRUE, gsbParameters = 
> NULL, 
>               .deprecated = FALSE)
>           - bgAdjustGcrma() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #03."bgAdjustGcrma", args = args)
>           - is in environment 'base'
>   at #02. process.GcRmaBackgroundCorrection(bc, verbose = TRUE)
>           - process.GcRmaBackgroundCorrection() is in environment 
> 'aroma.affymetrix'
>   at #01. process(bc, verbose = TRUE)
>           - process() is in environment 'aroma.core'
> Error: 
>  Computing probe affinities (independent of data)...done
> Background correcting data set...done
> *Here is my directory structure : *
> >annotationData
> --------> annotationData\chipTypes\HG-U133_Plus_2
> 11/03/2012  03:09 PM    <DIR>          .
> 11/03/2012  03:09 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 10/19/2012  10:49 AM        99,044,850 HG-U133_Plus_2  - ascii.cdf
> 10/26/2012  09:49 PM        26,251,783 HG-U133_Plus_2.cdf
> 10/29/2012  10:21 AM        15,952,085 Hs133P_Hs_REFSEQ.cdf
> 07/14/2005  12:23 AM        23,991,168 u133plus2gb_probe_tab
> -------->  rawData\GSE4757\HG-U133_Plus_2
> 10/26/2012  09:18 PM    <DIR>          .
> 10/26/2012  09:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,555,389 GSM107522.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,556,785 GSM107523.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,560,384 GSM107524.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,556,716 GSM107525.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,552,046 GSM107526.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,552,689 GSM107527.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,553,222 GSM107528.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,552,445 GSM107529.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,551,059 GSM107530.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,550,482 GSM107531.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,550,367 GSM107532.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,550,546 GSM107533.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,551,111 GSM107534.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,551,023 GSM107535.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,551,624 GSM107536.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,550,386 GSM107537.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,552,402 GSM107538.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:17 PM        13,552,977 GSM107539.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:18 PM        13,553,854 GSM107540.cel
> 10/26/2012  09:18 PM        13,553,795 GSM107541.cel
> * I took the probe tab file from 
> *  *
> * Please let me know what is wrong and how to proceed.*
> *
> *
> *Thanks,*
> *Raj *
> * *

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
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