
I try to analyze a tiling array data as stated in the Vignette: MAT - 
Tiling array analysis (Promoter 1.0R) (according to 
When running 

csN <- process(mn, verbose=verbose, na.rm = TRUE) 

an error occurs, saying Error: Argument 'cells' contains 1 NA value(s).

> csN <- process(mn, verbose=verbose, na.rm = TRUE) 
20130116 17:18:55|Normalization data set for probe-sequence effects...
20130116 17:18:55| Locating probe-sequence annotation data...
20130116 17:18:55|  Getting AromaCellSequenceFile...
20130116 17:18:55|   Locating...
20130116 17:18:55|    Chip type: Hs_PromPR_v02
20130116 17:18:55|    Number of cells: 4691556
20130116 17:18:55|    Locating AromaCellSequenceFile...
20130116 17:18:56|     Located file: 
20130116 17:18:56|    Locating AromaCellSequenceFile...done
20130116 17:18:56|   Locating...done
   Name: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Full name: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/Hs_PromPR_v02/Hs_PromPR_v02.acs
   File size: 116.33 MB (121980713 bytes)
   RAM: 0.00 MB
   Number of data rows: 4691556
   File format: v1
   Dimensions: 4691556x26
   Column classes: raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, 
raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw
   Number of bytes per column: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
   Footer: <createdOn>20130116 13:24:14 
   Chip type: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Platform: Affymetrix
20130116 17:18:56|  Getting AromaCellSequenceFile...done
20130116 17:18:56| Locating probe-sequence annotation data...done
20130116 17:18:56| Locating match scores annotation data...
20130116 17:18:56|  Locating AromaCellMatchScoreFile...
20130116 17:18:56|   Located file: 
   Name: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Full name: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/Hs_PromPR_v02/Hs_PromPR_v02.acm
   File size: 4.47 MB (4691738 bytes)
   RAM: 0.00 MB
   Number of data rows: 4691556
   File format: v1
   Dimensions: 4691556x1
   Column classes: integer
   Number of bytes per column: 1
   Footer: <createdOn>20130116 13:50:13 
   Chip type: Hs_PromPR_v02
   Platform: Affymetrix
20130116 17:18:56|  Locating AromaCellMatchScoreFile...done
20130116 17:18:56| Locating match scores annotation data...done
20130116 17:18:56| Reading 'non-missing' cells to fit...
20130116 17:18:56|  Cells to fit:
20130116 17:18:56| Reading 'non-missing' cells to fit...done
20130116 17:18:56| Normalizing 128 arrays...
20130116 17:18:56|  Path: probeData/IFB_128samples,MN,lm/Hs_PromPR_v02...
20130116 17:18:56|   Number cells per chunk: 1000001
20130116 17:18:56|   Fitting chunk #1 of 0...
20130116 17:18:56|    Cells: 
     int NA
20130116 17:18:56|    Reading design matrix...
20130116 17:18:56|     Retrieving design matrix...
20130116 17:18:56|      Cells:
       int NA
20130116 17:18:56|      Locating probe-sequence annotation data...
20130116 17:18:56|       Getting AromaCellSequenceFile...
        Name: Hs_PromPR_v02
        Full name: Hs_PromPR_v02
        Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/Hs_PromPR_v02/Hs_PromPR_v02.acs
        File size: 116.33 MB (121980713 bytes)
        RAM: 0.00 MB
        Number of data rows: 4691556
        File format: v1
        Dimensions: 4691556x26
        Column classes: raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, 
raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, raw, 
        Number of bytes per column: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
        Footer: <createdOn>20130116 13:24:14 
        Chip type: Hs_PromPR_v02
        Platform: Affymetrix
20130116 17:18:57|       Getting AromaCellSequenceFile...done
20130116 17:18:57|      Locating probe-sequence annotation data...done
20130116 17:18:57|      Locating match scores annotation data...
20130116 17:18:57|      Locating match scores annotation data...done
20130116 17:18:57|      Reading sequence matrix...
[2013-01-16 17:18:57] Exception: Argument 'cells' contains 1 NA value(s).

  at #13. getNumerics.Arguments(static, ..., asMode = "integer", disallow = 
          - getNumerics.Arguments() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #12. getNumerics(static, ..., asMode = "integer", disallow = disallow)
          - getNumerics() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #11. getIntegers.Arguments(static, x, ..., range = range, .name = 
          - getIntegers.Arguments() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #10. getIntegers(static, x, ..., range = range, .name = .name)
          - getIntegers() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #09. getIndices.Arguments(static, ...)
          - getIndices.Arguments() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #08. getIndices(static, ...)
          - getIndices() is in environment 'R.utils'

  at #07. Arguments$getIndices(cells, max = nbrOfCells)
          - Arguments$getIndices() is local of the calling function

  at #06. readSequenceMatrix.AromaCellSequenceFile(aps, cells = cells, 
              verbose = verbose)
          - readSequenceMatrix.AromaCellSequenceFile() is in environment 

  at #05. readSequenceMatrix(aps, cells = cells, verbose = verbose)
          - readSequenceMatrix() is in environment 'aroma.core'

  at #04. getDesignMatrix.MatNormalization(this, cells = cellsToFit[cc], 
              verbose = verbose)
          - getDesignMatrix.MatNormalization() is in environment 

  at #03. getDesignMatrix(this, cells = cellsToFit[cc], verbose = verbose)
          - getDesignMatrix() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix'

  at #02. process.MatNormalization(mn, verbose = verbose, na.rm = TRUE)
          - process.MatNormalization() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix'

  at #01. process(mn, verbose = verbose, na.rm = TRUE)
          - process() is in environment 'aroma.core'

Error: Argument 'cells' contains 1 NA value(s).
20130116 17:18:57|      Reading sequence matrix...done
20130116 17:18:57|     Retrieving design matrix...done
20130116 17:18:57|    Reading design matrix...done
20130116 17:18:57|   Fitting chunk #1 of 0...done
20130116 17:18:57|  Path: 
20130116 17:18:57| Normalizing 128 arrays...done
20130116 17:18:57|Normalization data set for probe-sequence effects...done

I did the same analysis before for a smaller dataset and it all went fine. 
The only difference now is that i'm creating the cdf file and all 
associated files from the appropriate BpMap file (according to the "How-to" 
manual on http://www.aroma-project.org).
I'm using the latest version of aroma package (aroma.affymetrix_2.8.0) and 
cdf looks like this:

> print(cdf)
Filename: Hs_PromPR_v02.cdf
Filesize: 60.30MB
Chip type: Hs_PromPR_v02
RAM: 0.18MB
File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
Dimension: 2166x2166
Number of cells: 4691556
Number of units: 22405
Cells per unit: 209.40
Number of QC units: 0

Does anybody know whats the problem?
Thanks for any help!

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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