Good afternoon, I am trying to analyse a set of CEL files from Affymetrix GenomeWideSNP 6.0 and get its LRR, FreqB and genotype (for all individuals and for all chromosomes).
I have started with the vignettes "CRMA (v1): Total copy number analysis using CRMA v1 (10K, 100K, 500K)" and "CRMA (v2): Estimation of total copy numbers using the CRMA v2 method (10K-CytoScanHD)" since I am new in this world of microarrays analysis. But I didn't fine any way to retrieve the genotype I moved to "CRLMM genotyping (100K and 500K)". So, from both methods I can get the LRR and FreqB with extactCNT of with extractTotalAndFraqB but only from the second one (CRLMM) I can use the extractGenotypes (becouse the chiptype's crlmm model is required). On the other hand when I try to create the crlmm model for GenomeWideSNP 6.0 the following error succeed: Exception: Cannot fit CRLMM model: Model fitting for this chip type is not supported/implemented: GenomeWideSNP_6 at #02. CrlmmModel(ces, tags = "*,oligo") - CrlmmModel() is in environment 'aroma.affymetrix' at #01. process_dataset("GenomeWideSNP_6", "gal", verbose = TRUE) - process_dataset() is in environment 'R_GlobalEnv' Error: Cannot fit CRLMM model: Model fitting for this chip type is not supported/implemented: GenomeWideSNP_6 So... Am I doing something wrong? If no, is there some way to get the full set of data I need (sample's name, sample's position, chromosome, LRR, FraqB and genotype) using a single method? My full code-snippet: library( 'aroma.affymetrix' ) write_table <- function( dataset, file_name ) { [...] } process_dataset <- function( dataset_name chip_type ) { cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType( chip_type ); csR <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName( dataset_name, cdf=cdf ); ces <- justSNPRMA( csR, normalizeToHapmap=TRUE, returnESet=FALSE ); crlmm <- CrlmmModel( ces, tags="*,oligo" ); units <- fit( crlmm, ram="oligo" ); callSet <- getCallSet( crlmm ); gi <- getGenomeInformation( cdf ); for( array in 1:length( csR ) ) { ds <- NULL; ce <- getFile( ces, array ); for( chr in chr_list ) { chrunits <- getUnitsOnChromosome( gi, chromosome=chr ); chrnames <- getUnitNames( cdf, units=chrunits ) pos <- getPositions( gi, units=chrunits ); # / 1e6; cf <- getFile( callSet, array ); calls <- extractGenotypes( cf, units=chrunits ); dta <- extractTotalAndFreqB( ce, units=chrunits ); theta <- dta[,"total"]; ceR <- getAverageFile( ces ); dataR <- extractTotalAndFreqB( ceR, units=chrunits ); thetaR <- dataR[,"total"]; l2r <- log2(theta/thetaR); ds <- add_to_ds( chrnames, rep( chr, length( chrnames ) ), pos, l2r, dta[,"FreqB"], calls ); } colnames( ds ) <- c( "Name", "Chr", "Position", "Log.R.Ratio", "B.Allele.Freq", "GType" ); write_table( ds, paste0( getName( ce ), ".txt" ) ) } } } process_dataset( "GenomeWideSNP_6", "gal" ) -- -- When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "aroma.affymetrix" group with website To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe and other options, go to --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "aroma.affymetrix" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit