Dear Vithur,

Thanks for the mail.

----- Original Message ----
From: Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:52:21 AM
Subject: [arr] BLAZEE Experiences with ARR - Part II

Dear Rahmaniacs, 
Continuation to my previous mail on Blazee Experiences with ARR, This is PART 
Q :- After the song New , which of the songs have you sung for Rahman ?
Rahman asked me if I could write lyrics for some song, if not be able to rap up 
for the same. I tried and came out Warriors of Heaven. Words like ' Silence 
that always remains the same. I see my mother in mothers'e eys".  In that song, 
you will be able to relate yourself to whom you are thinking in that song. If 
you think abt somebody who has passed away , you will be able to relate in that 
song. Rahman gave me the script of the film " Warriors of Heaven". I saw the 
first and the last page. I closed my eyes and started to pray. I really prayed 
, and then said that whatever meant to happen will happen. I wrote it and 
showed it to RAHMAN . He told Exact. This happened in January, and in July my 
father passed away in Zambia. I took my CDs to Zambia. I played the song from 
WOHE  after the funeral for the spirits to hear it . My sister and everybody 
would say that the lyrics was exact for the situation. Silence is always that 
remains the same. Warriors in
 Peace. My father was a warrior during the course of his life always. It all 
became the way you interpreted it to be. Many started asking me " When did you 
do this for this function ?". I told them that it was done for a film. Till 
now, its only the prayer which got me the lyrics for that . It just fits 
anybody with the situation. 
Subhash Ghai 's Kisna "- My wish comes true song. 
Pray for me brother  ( Raihana's ringtone ) 
Rahman told me that it was a project for the UN against poverty. It is the 
biggest reason for everything. It shouldnt preach like saying ' Do this Do 
that", because if you preach people will switch it off. we worked a lot of time 
for that song. Everytime, we sat to write, it was something else. The thoughts 
was so deep, such that it was to be simplified. Rahman wanted it to be like a 
LOVE Song. When you hear it it should be like a Love Song, and yet you are 
talking abt Poverty and all these issues. Thats when people will love to hear 
it, because people love to hear to Love Songs. The Title is " Pray for Me 
Brother " and you decide on how it has to flow through. 
I told him that I would like to put this RAP section somewhere. He saw the 
whole thing, and said it works fine. 
Oru Koodai Sunlight Lyrics in English was written by me. Could I be the 
Sunlight ?. could I be the moonlight ?. Rahman told me I should write similar 
to colours. I was thinking how to write , as black & white ar rascist and How 
to write ??. Then somehow using sun and moon as connection I used the words " 
oru Koodai sunlight ; oru koodai moonlight " and came out fine . 
I have never met Rajnikanth till date. Everytime I think about it, I feel there 
is a reson behind it. May be after meeting him, he may feel " is this guy 
singing for me??". 
Q :- How did you become a real performer ?
1983 - I learnt Break Dancing. after 1985, I continued with Break Dancing with 
MJ numbers. I felt that it was a cool thing to do. Stage fear goes off when you 
put the kids in the stage early. There were 1,00,000 people in Kolkata Concert. 
The Biggest. You have to run here and there on concerts. You have to make 
maximum use of it . 
Q :- do you maintain your voice ?. Do you do anything special for that ?. 
Initially, I used to pretend. I never used to care about it. I used to feel 
that the more you spoil it, the more deeper it becomes. Then after Trivandrum 
concert, i started practising nothing cold; No Ice Creams ; Warm Water 
Q :- How much does your wife enjoy Rapping ?
She always supported me. Even during the times, when Rahman didnt call me, I 
used to do rapping, not for any particular reason. And she has been with me, 
and supporting my raps all that time. for me, listening to other rappers is a 
stress release. Its a superb therapy. 
I met her in Bombay and we got married. even my daugther liking my rap and she 
raps. She knows all my stuff. 
Q :- How will you evaluate Rahman as a music director ?/
As a Music Director, he is phenomenal, magical. and as a Human being, he is 
GOD's BLESSING, to me particularly. from music point of view, when I walked 
into the studio, he is the only man who respects and says " You have come ; you 
are free to do whatever you want. This is the basic concept. You give me 
whatever you want and feel". At so many instances, he will give me the freedom 
to do whatever I want. finally he will come back , he will make it all working 
, pick what is right ; what is wrong and will make it work for everybody. But 
nobody understands that properly. Its only Rahman who takes the extra effort to 
get the best out of a singer. As a Music Director, he has given me so much of 
freedom to make me do so many things. 
After my father's funeral, when I met Rahman, he used to just talk to me for 
hours, and make me feel OK. Its not religion, spirituality, but anything ; all 
included. he is that one guy who was there with me to give me support, balance 
. HE IS REALLY GOD'S BLESSING TO ME. At that time, no other human being has 
been done that to me. Its really magical. No other Music Directors will do like 
Raihana says '" he can understand that well because he also lost his father 
when he was  very young "... ( sounds little sad here ) 
Q - whats the good side of rapping and bad side of Rapping ?
What people feel is negative side of rapping is explicit lyrics. The Vulgar 
stuff which happens in RAP music in the US. But in India, I am trying to Rap on 
Religion, Poverty etc to make it original. so rapping must be done for 
practical issues, things that are important for INDIANS. If audience is Tamil, 
then TAMIL is best medium. Language is not a barrier. 
Ambition in Life :- FOLLOW THE RIGHT PATH 
Laxmi Narasimha Vijaya Rajagopala seshadri Sharma Sharma Rajeswar aka BLAZEEEEE 
Hail ARR ; Long live BLAZEEE .... 



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