Hi Vithur, Thanks for your great effort in translating the 

It's a truly enjoyable interview.


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahmaniacs,
> The transcript of the ARR Interview in Koffee with Anu is herewith 
for the
> benefit of people, who were not able to view it, and for people, 
who were
> not able to understand it fully.
> Anu :- You have beeen so much of growth. Is it true that you 
started playing
> harmonium from the age of four ?
> ARR :- I was just trying to ( smilingly )
> Anu :- Was it your most fascinating instrument, or did you try 
> and then come to this ?
> ARR :-  That was the first instrument which I started. My father 
used to
> cover it with a cloth, and teach me which note was from where. So, 
he used
> to teach me, that the note below 3 Black ones was F, 2 Was C, I 
used to
> remember it like a riddle. So, I would be asked to find which note 
was from
> where by my father. I was not perfect, but can find out which note 
was where
> because of playing it.
> Anu :- You went on to play in Raja Sir's Music right ?
> ARR :- I was playing for Malayalam composer Arjuna Master, Telugu 
> Ramesh Naidu. That time, I got an Invitation from Raja Sir. Raja 
sir was
> playing for my father before. In that rememberance, Raja Sir 
called me
> thinking that we can call Shekhar 's son. That time, was the first 
> for Moondram Pirai. That time, he told me that I was very young, 
and told me
> to come later. Then he called me after two years. That time, I 
worked with
> him for 1.5 years.
> Anu :- When I was talking with Mani Sir, he told me that one 
> thing abt Rahman was that he was playing like a small boy with 
Raja Sir, and
> then he decided that he would go on his own as a young man. So 
What inspired
> you to go of your own ?
> ARR :- I got frustrated after playing too much of Film Music. 
There was a
> monotony of playing continuosly in the morning, evening.. I 
started feeling,
> if there was no life other than that. Then , I started thinking of 
> commercials, where we can do music of our own. When we learn 
> Classical music and play, we play whatever notes are there in it. 
No Free
> thinking in it. But in Classical, we can take a raaga, and 
improvise in it.
> we can do it in Jazz also. Film Music is also like that. The Notes 
that are
> given has to be played . So, we never know if we have the real 
skills of
> composing or not, when doing Film Music, and also an urge to see, 
if there
> was something else that would be interesting to do in the work. 
> Model.
> Anu :- As a child, you have been completely engrossed in Music. 
What about
> playing gilly, playing cricket in the road ??
> ARR :- I have just flown kites.. I have even broken my hand in 
that. But
> there has been no fights with kites. More of Music, and less of 
all these. I
> dont miss those times, I like whatever happened. Because, when one 
> reduces, another thing increases. I always believe in that .
> Anu :- Whats your relationship with your siblings ?
> ARR :-  I and my elder sister studied Music together. After that 
she got
> married. And the remaining two sisters used to look after me, when 
I used to
> come back from the studios. They used to take care of me like 
giving me
> coffee etc. They also became different , when they became 16, 
which I am
> going to go through ( my daugther is now 12 years ) . They think
> differently. I was the only male member in my family. All others 
> females. Probably, Prakash was the next male member. ( My sister's 
son ),
> and thats the little story ( smiles )
> Anu :- Are your children interested in music ?
> ARR :- Yes. I am going to teach them. They are also learning it. 
Then, they
> can make a choice. I will not be pushing them into music, nor even 
> them.
> Anu :- It seems your style of work is different. You keep adding a 
lot of
> things here and there, and for a long time, you keep 
experiementing with it.
> So Hows it ?
> ARR :- For some songs, it happens like that, and for some songs, 
we get to
> know at the beginning, that this would be enough. For the same 
Love Songs,
> Duet Songs, Item Number, we ourselves tend to become bored, and 
people will
> surely feel bored. So, if it becomes interesting to us, then it 
would be
> surely 10% more interesting for people who watch. That is the real
> challenge.
> Anu :- Tell me abt Sufism
> ARR :- It can be said as Divine Love. Unconditional Love for every 
> of your GOD. Treating everyone equally irrespective of any 
> grades . Equal Love, Equal Justice to all. This is what I have 
learnt till
> date, There are much more things to learn . I am still at LKG.
> Anu :- Many have told, that its Divine Inspiration. How do you 
think  of it
> ?
> ARR :- Nowadays, if you see, there are a lot of choices. There are 
a lot of
> opportunities, choices and aveneues for diversion. Even if you 
watch TV,
> there are some 150 chanels to select from. You can make out which 
channel to
> watch. For , all channels to be channelised, I think, as some 
people put it,
> we must be like Samadhi. Once you come out of that stage, then you 
would get
> the focus and direction. That direction, seems to be the right and 
> way.
> Mrs. YGP ( School Principal of Padma Seshadri bala Bhavan 
Schools ) :-
> Rahman was Dileep in those days. He has been studying in our 
school since
> childhood days. Very Hard working Guy. In those times itself, He 
used to go
> to Keyboard classes at 6 AM. His father used to drop him at 8 : 10 
> School, with a flask of milk. In the evening also, he used to go 
and play
> some jingles etc . He was the one man orchestra for our school. 
For all
> programmes of our school, we used to tell Rahman, and he used to 
> everything ready. " Some are born great; Some achieve greatness; 
Some have
> greatness ". Rahman belongs to all these three categories. He has 
> the genes from his father. His whole family is dedicated to music, 
and apart
> from that, he is a very good human being.  Even as a student, he 
was very
> helpful, soft spoken. All the teachers adored him, and the best 
part is he
> remembers all his teachers. The best part was that he was 
friendly, and used
> to share all his experiences with children, used to be very 
helpful to them.
> He doesnt show off.
> ARR :- The relationship with her goes little more earlier. Father 
used to
> play for Manohar Sir's drama, and Uncle sir ( Mrs YGP's husband 
was also a
> dramatist). Much more earlier than that, and thats why my father 
put me on
> to the school. Because of artistic connection. But I remember only 
> beatings that they gave me ( very jokingly )
> ANu :- What for did you get beatings ?
> ARR :- Of course attendance.
> Mrs YGP :-  He will come late, and tell us some reasons . 
sometimes, not
> much. In those years, we used to tap them once or twice.
> ARR :- No matter of child abuse ( jokingly everyone laughs ). I 
never went
> to college and hence school memories are all the more impact.
> Mrs YGP :- The greatest moment was when he came to get the Natya 
> Award ( Bharat Kalachar ) , in the very same premises in 
Thirmullai Pillai
> road ( where he studied ) . All old memories are clowning on me, 
when I
> start speaking now.
> ARR :- very good; very good.. No time for cutting classes etc. 
Going to
> classes itself was a big thing.
> YGP :- I wont blame him because , he had to look after the family. 
He was
> the main bread winner after his father passed away. So he had to 
adjust a
> lot of things. So taking care of that, coming to school itself was 
a big
> thing. Upto 9th standard, he managed , but went off to State Board 
at the
> time of Public Exams ( during 10th standard). But he used to study 
well till
> that time also.
> The most enchanting aspect is his singing for National 
Integration, when he
> sang Vande Mataram. Singing routine songs is always there. But 
singing with
> passion, and full inolvement, only Rahman can do.
> ARR :- Ya. It was a good team work. Bala was there.
> YGP :- Ya. Bala still continues to be there, and your team is 
great. I am
> very proud to see our school student is famous world wide , but at 
the same
> time, doesnt have slight trace of ego or headweight. I appreciate 
that very
> much. I have never seen him losing his temper.  ( ARR intercepts 
by saying
> at times YES , for which Anu says I will not ask abt that, because 
if he
> says he can show me a demo, then I am finished ). His own 
children, he
> treats them with so much of love and respect. Its phenomenal. I 
take all
> pride and love, for he is from our school. God Bless you my child, 
and she
> kisses ARR on the forehead. ( ARR with all humility says Thanks )
> Anu :- whats the secret behind the name ?
> ARR :- There is nothing behind the name. KM is my own secret. Music
> Conservatory is the most important thing. I started thinking abt 
this from
> the year 2000. when I went to UK, and saw the orchestra, I was 
thinking as
> to why not have such a thing here in India. A lot of friends of 
mine also
> had the same idea. But that idea was to set up a pure Western 
> Conservatory. But what we want to try to do is the musician we are 
> , should be an all rounder. First, they should learn music. They 
> become a good human being, a good musician , and then they can do 
> we will try to build up a bridge for the students, so that they 
can do a lot
> of things.
> ARR :- There is such a similar orchestra in Bombay . It consists 
of all
> Kazhakisthani ( Russian players ) . The idea to start this was to 
have our
> own people, who will play the orchestra for ourselves. There is so 
much of
> talent here, which can be seen nowhere. Already , there are 300
> registrations, which have come in. We wanted to dive into this 
project this
> year, as so much of time has already been wasted before. So, 
Instead of
> waiting for the building to come, we thought of simultaneously 
> something.
> I met a professor called Srinivasa Krishnan in London Flight. He 
asked me if
> I was Rahman. he told me that all my songs have become the 
favourites of his
> students in US . I went and checked. I found that they were 
learning my
> songs with so much of love. Then we did a big concert in US with 
them, and I
> was very much impressed. I told them abt the school , and they 
assured me
> that whenever it may be, we will come and teach there . ( the 
students there
> were foreigners and Black Americans ). That gave a lot of 
confidence to me.
> It was such a beautiful thing for me, because being in such 
distance, they
> were ready to leave everything and come and teach here. They will 
come here,
> learn Indian classical, and teach their style of music. The way of 
> the way of learning everything will be different. I want to create 
> leaders in Music, and make them leaders.
> There is another idea that we have to take up street kids, teach 
them and
> see what happens. srini is from Global Rhythms. They are part of 
> University. Hollywood Bowl is an interesting concert. In most of 
> concert, the audience would be varied people consisting of tamil, 
> north indians etc, and they will shout for the songs they like. 
But in
> Hollywood Bowl, all were foreigners. we were thinking as to how 
they would
> enjoy our songs, but they started enjoying after some five songs. 
They were
> all dancing till the end. It was a nice concert. The ticket prices 
were very
> cheap . 1 $ or 2 $. All were directors, Editors in Hollywood.
> Singer Kalyani Menon on ARR
> My association with Rahman is way back in 1980. I went to the Tv 
Centre for
> recording a song. Very good melody. Arjunan Master was Music 
Director. That
> time, a small boy came for playing Keyboard. I was wondering how 
such a
> young lad will play keyboard. They put a plank for him on which he 
> stand and play. I was just enchanted when he started playing. 
After the song
> finished, I went running to the Music Director, to ask him, who 
this boy was
> ?. He said, " He is not new, and he is the son of our Music 
> Shekhar". Tears rolled in my eyes. Very modest; Very very humble. 
> genuine person. Truly spiritual. All success is attributed to 
God's gift.
> Success has never gone into his head. I heard that he has started 
a new
> Music School recently. I am very happy, I wish all success. There 
should be
> lot of musicians who emerge out of that school, and the 
institution should
> become very famous. This is my desire. Best of Luck.
> S.J. Suryah
> Inside Man , an English Film. When I was seeing that film, Spike 
Lee was the
> Director. He is a big range Hollywood Director. When the title 
credits were
> going on, I could hear the song ' Chaiyya Chaiyya". I was 
wondering , if our
> people were doing something to that film, and started rewinding it 
to see it
> again. At the end of the title credits, a special Thanks to Rahman 
Sir was
> written. So, there has been an International reach , for a 
Tamilian, from
> our soil. I feel proud to speak about Mr. Rahman.
> He is a very spirtual man. Love for God, Devotion towards God, 
Love towards
> Human beings, and respect for human beings marks the qualities of 
the Music
> Maestro Mr. A. R. Rahman.
> KMC is the name of the school started by Rahman Sir. Today, India 
is growing
> at a good pace in Sports., Cinema. For the betterment of India in 
Music, and
> for the noble purpose of encouraging good musicians, rahman Sir 
has started
> a school which is a big service to humanity. Its a big pride for 
Tamil Nadu.
> He has opened a big gate, for students to leave to foreign 
countries for
> learning music, and even for foreigners to look at India for 
Music. I neednt
> talk anything abt this. I am sure, Allah will bless him abundantly 
in this
> endeavour.
> ARR :- I pray God that He makes the faith that people on me come 
true. we
> have started the work on this Conservatory with a lot of devotion 
> prayer. Till now, we have received a lot of encouragement and 
support for
> this work, be it be the media as well as otherwise. I am grateful 
to all of
> them for this. I hope, the right intention of the students will be 
> care properly.
> ARR Abt S.J. Suryah :- When I first met him, was in the flight. I 
was flying
> back from Bombay, when he came and sat next to me. He started 
telling the
> story of NEW, and was telling me that Ajith is going to act in 
that film.
> After two weeks, he said me, that Ajith was not acting, and that 
he would
> hismelf act. I told Ok. I think he was having the fear that I wont 
be doing
> the film. It was a surprise that I said OK. He is very passionate 
> music. Over enthu. nice person.
> Mr. Rajeeev Menon :- He is the person who gave me my first 
National Ad. The
> moment, I came out of Raja Sir, I was playing for Raj Koti for two 
years. At
> that time, he told me that an ad was to be done. I asked him , " 
What ad ?".
> he told me ' an english song as required. The Ad was for Allwyn 
> watches. After that, we became very close friends. we talk about 
music. He
> knows so many. He is an encyclopaedia about cooking, about music. 
He has got
> a very good voice also. In fact, Kadhal Rojave from Roja, was 
suppsoed to be
> sung for him. But I didnt show it to Mani. I liked his voice, but 
> that, SPB Sir sang that song. Otherwise, he would have become a 
great singer
> by now  Its not too late now also.
> I think he should act. See him. and he marks at his photo and 
says , " he is
> very smart. very nice person also".
> SPB :- I had an orchestra consisting of all small boys. Kumar , 
The Drummer,
> Prabhu, the Guitar. Our first performance was for SPB 's Birthday 
in kala
> Sagar . We used to wait for his recording. SPB sir used to do 
recordings at
> 4 places. 12 : 00 at one place, 1 : 00 at another place and 1 : 30 
> another place. Ours used to be the 1 : 30 slot. Notes would be 
ready, and
> when SPB Sir comes and sings, we used to make it ready. ( When I 
was working
> for Raj Koti )
> I was particular that he should sing a song in Roja, and he sang " 
> Rojave".
> My fav singer :- P. Susheela. He writes a message for her in the 
Coffee Mug.
> ( tells its secret ) . I like her voice, her pronounciation of 
Tamil. One of
> my most favourite singers.
> -- 
> regards,
> Vithur
> Whatever God wants to give, no one can deny; Whatever God wants to 
deny, no
> one can give. Be happy always

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