Iam NOT serge Belier

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 5:25 AM, s03g373 s03g373 <s03g...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> *Message to A.R.Rahman Sir:*
> YES ! A.R.RAHMAN SIR, you know very well that WE ARE ALL WITH YOU, WE ARE
> YOUR TRULY FANS. With or without big hits, with or without awards, we are
> with you and have been following you since ROJA. I personnaly felt in Love
> with you and your personality for many reasons; for your music, for the
> person you are and for your ideology especially for your views for India and
> its people.
> Nobody in the cinema industry is more Indian than you and when people
> criticize you, you should not feel bad or react badly (I know it is not
> your way of behaviour, afterall we are all humans). All these critics are
> comparable to EVIL temptation to break all the Good you have achieve, by
> ignoring these critics and concentrating only on your music and taking into
> account that so many people love you will make you surpass this chaotic
> situation and then you will be compared to a Saint (which you are actually
> to my mind).
> Not only India, the world has always loved to bring down the stars, to put
> them on the floor and walk on them. Each individual in this world sometimes
> wants destruction of something which is successful. People does not like
> that the Numero 1 is always Numero 1. They will find unreliable reasons to
> bash the Numero 1. This is Jalousy and it is universal.
> A.R.Rahman Sir, I know that you are actually not that affected by all this,
> you have seen worst things happening in your life, and these critics are
> just ridiculous (comparing you to Himesh or any other, what crazy people
> !! Actually Himesh should thank you for this).
> Fans from all over the world support you !!!
> *Message to ARR Fans:*
> I am from Paris (France), I suggest that all the fans in the world do
> something to support ARR. Fans in India can group and protests peacefully
> and calmly on the street to support ARR Sir, or they can vote for ARR for
> the CWG theme,  I have many ideas. I think the best way is to open an
> internet site to support ARR and the theme which will allow vote by fans
> from all over the world. If the officials don't like ARR theme, do they have
> another one to compare it to ? Let the people select the theme, that will be
> more reasonable.
> Why everybody is silent, common guys do something, you can not count on
> politicians and media, they are generally the same worldwide acting only by
> personal interest, India is THE biggest democracy in the world, people
> should do something....
> from Serge BELIER
> ------------------------------
> To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
> From: moinboss4...@yahoo.com
> Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 21:54:11 -0700
> Subject: Re: [arr] Re: WE ARE WITH YOU...RAHMAN
> I loved the track! It is far better than the competition..! No doubt, WE
> -Moin Ali
> --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "rajesh_36eee" <rajesh_36...@...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > As A R Rahman asked media to project 'positive image' of Common Wealth
> Games.Then media turned against him and they are now portaying his negative
> image now.They just want some big news....if they don't find any then they
> will for anything/anyone any try to make news out of it.....remember the
> mumbai blasts......how they indirectly helpled in guiding them.....they just
> need some news and coming to politicians, they had planned it that they
> would make use of it by
> > disliking the song song just to divert the attention of people from the
> ACTUAL WORK.....ACTUAL EVENT......that REALLY MATTERS .........and we as a
> fans are responsible for all these......the media is watching our
> group/forum......which is the core source to everything they are
> getting.....we as a fans need to stop all this......... A R Rahman needs our
> support more than ever this time..........we need to support him.....we need
> to hate media.If you are truly A R Rahman's ......support him by just
> replying to this message...."YES WE ARE WITH YOU...RAHMAN".
> >
> > Hope you Are understanding what I am saying......and please stop sending
> negative messages ........Moderators we need your help ........please filter
> the negative messages.........
> >
> > Just listen to the track 'The Power of Politics'....a BGM from
> Iruvar/Iddaru..........its awsome.......this BGM perfectly fits the present
> situation.
> >

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