On 9/2/2010 4:29 PM India Time, _Manaf_ wrote:

> I wish AR shouldn't compose new tune ... Becoz if ARR did so , it may be
> consider as the victory of " CRITICS ".

I think ARR, being so earthly polite and accommodating as he is, will 
go ahead redoing the song, or composing an altogether new tune, IF IF 
IF IF the client (government) properly requests ARR to do something 
about it.

I am just speculating on the basis of nature of ARR.

After all, ARR did re-do Raanjha Raanjha in RAavan, what was in film 
was not at all what was in the album.

Whatever critics say, it would not be a defeat of ARR, but a high 
point in his nature that he goes extra miles to keep the client happy.


> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Rafid <rafid.nuhu...@yahoo.com
> <mailto:rafid.nuhu...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     The anthem is being bashed and blamed like anything every nook and
>     corner. Many have forgotten what ARR has achieved in the past. He
>     has been the inspiration to many current and up-and-coming music
>     composers. Many composers copy him that many people in general don't
>     know and they just like the typecast songs of other composers and
>     say, `wow, what a composition, ARR has lost his touch way back, why
>     doesn't he compose songs just like as he did in 90's?' Some envious
>     people have been awaiting an opportunity to slander him, and now
>     they have got their move and keep hurting him. Being fans, we can't
>     bear it at all. In this situation, what I think is that ARR should
>     come up with a mass appeal new anthem before the CWG starts and the
>     song should be applauded and liked by whole lotta people on the
>     first hearing – that will make the critics dumbstruck. I really
>     badly need ARR to compose a new song before CWG strikes up. Will it
>     happen?
> --
> *
> *
> *Regards
> *

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