Turn on web service logging on mid-tier and examine these logs. They
migth give you an answer.


On 12/7/06, Mathieu Pitre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Looks like there is an issue with the qualification because if I split both the 
qualification is two is works:

1- Original qualification: ('Server-Name' = XPATH(/ROOT/Server-Name)) OR 
('AssetTag' = XPATH(/ROOT/AssetTag))
This one works only with the server-name

2- Qualification Server-Name only : ('Server-Name' = XPATH(/ROOT/Server-Name))
This one works

3- Qualification AssetTag only : ('AssetTag' = XPATH(/ROOT/AssetTag))
This one works

I wonder why it does not work when I combine both qualification...

Anyone has a suggestion?

Thank you in advance.

Mathieu Pitre
 IT Business Systems Analyst
 Production Operation
  Computer Sciences Corporation
 Pratt & Whitney Canada, Plant 1
 Sametime: Mathieu Pitre
 office: 450-647-8008 x7030

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 Carey Matthew Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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07/12/2006 09:55 AM

Please respond to

To arslist@ARSLIST.ORG


Subject Re: Web service - Qualification syntax?


 It should work. If everything is done right. So I am not sure where
 your issue is. However here is where I would start my testing. (HTH)

 Verify that:
    the form field 'AssetTag' is a field that holds data(NOT-Display
 Only) on your target form
    the value your passing to the WebService is a value that exists in the data
    the WebService InputMap uses the correct data type for AssetTag
    the WebService client is passing the value you think it is (in the
 proper namespace and all.)

 Carey Matthew Black
 Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
 ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

 Love, then teach
 Solution = People + Process + Tools
 Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

 On 12/7/06, Mathieu Pitre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > ARS6.3
 > I am trying to create a web service on a form and I am wondering if I can
 > have one operation set which can use multiple type of query. Let me explain
 > what I am trying to do here...
 > The web service is using an inventory form that contains most of the
 > information related to our servers.
 > In the web service, I have a GetOp operation which I can use to get some
 > information based on the ServerName(HostName). However, I would like to use
 > the same operation (GetOp) with a different criteria, the Asset Tag for
 > instance. I have tried the following the qualification:
 > ('Server-Name' = XPATH(/ROOT/Server-Name)) OR ('AssetTag' = XPATH
 > (/ROOT/AssetTag))
 > The qualification above does not work. In fact, I am able to save the web
 > service and do a query with the server-name but not the AssetTag. Am I
 > oblige to create an operation for each type of query that can be performed?
 > Regards,
 > Mathieu Pitre

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