Hi Folks,


Just received the following error even through a process restart and a
server restart:





Error encountered while initializing (Initialization routine) the shared

On server startup, an initialization routine runs for all shared extension
libraries that are loaded.

The initialization routine returned an error, and the shared library was
unloaded from memory.

The server functions, but any functionality associated with the shared
library is unavailable. To

resolve the problem, check the implementation of the routine and make any
necessary corrections.


Server     Cent OS 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64

DB          Oracle 11.2.0


                8.1.0 (unpatched)


Any help would be appreciated.  Especially how to "check the implementation
and make any necessary corrections" J


The server doesn't function altogether well either J  I can do simple
queries but cannot pick up the a bunch of Schema info real fast.  That puts
it out altogether it would seem.  I'd hate to go back to a very old snapshot


It is a host that was replicated from a running system and then had a host
name change - which was not altogether successful but was working enough to
do writes and set create Archive forms.



Ben Chernys


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